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Methods of molecular biology
by Aizhan Zhussupova- 4.4
Approx. 25 hours to complete
The course “Methods of molecular biology” is the first course developed by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) in collaboration and kind support of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Al-Farabi KazNU is one of the leading universities in Central Asia and is the oldest classical university in Kazakhstan. After completing this course, students will be able to:...
Basics of Extracellular Vesicles
by Cecilia Lasser- 4.8
Approx. 10 hours to complete
This course aims to provide the basic knowledge about extracellular vesicles (EV) a generic term including exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, prostasomes, and many others. It covers areas such as EV history, nomenclature, biogenesis, EV cargo as well as the release and uptake mechanisms, collection and processing prior to isolation, different isolation methods, characterization and quantification techniques....
Getting started in cryo-EM
by Grant J. Jensen- 4.9
Approx. 21 hours to complete
This class covers the fundamental principles underlying cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) starting with the basic anatomy of electron microscopes, an introduction to Fourier transforms, and the principles of image formation. Philosophy: The course emphasizes concepts rather than mathematical details, taught through numerous drawings and example images. Pre-requisites: The recommended prerequisites are college-freshman-level math, physics, and biochemistry....
Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life
by Eric S. Lander , Michelle Mischke , Graham Walker , Brian White- 0.0
16 Weeks
Explore the secret of life through the basics of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, recombinant DNA, genomics and rational medicine. Read fully to understand the verified-certificate option. Join Professor Eric Lander and the MITx Biology team in an exciting learning experience available for free to all enrolled learners. The 7. 00x Introduction to Biology Competency Exam....
Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life
by Eric S. Lander , Michelle Mischke , Graham Walker , Brian White- 0.0
16 Weeks
Explore the secret of life through the basics of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, recombinant DNA, genomics and rational medicine. Read fully to understand the verified-certificate option. Join Professor Eric Lander and the MITx Biology team in an exciting learning experience available for free to all enrolled learners. The 7. 00x Introduction to Biology Competency Exam....
Healthy Eating in the 21st Century
by Devin Burke- 3.5
38 mins on-demand video
Your Simple Guide to Eating Healthy in the Modern World. Eating healthy in the 21st century can be difficult. . . but it doesn't have to be. This course is the simple practical guide to what to eat, and what not to eat to look and feel your absolute best in our busy world....
Juice Cleansing for Weight Loss, Intestine and Liver Repair!
by Scott Brown- 3.8
1.5 hours on-demand video
Scott has a background in biochemistry from Indiana University at Bloomington....
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Introduction to Modern Biology | 现代生物学导论
by Yang Yang- 0.0
12 Weeks
本门课程讲授生物学理论和探讨科研的本质。除了教师讲授外还配合动画、模型搭建、实验室实拍、科学家访谈等多种形式,丰富学生的学习维度。 欢迎同学们参加《现代生物学导论》的学习。在本学期中,我们将学习和生命相关的基础和前沿知识。本课程首先按照层层递进的框架结构,解释生物学的基本理论:在分子和细胞水平上,我们将会学习细胞的结构、生长、分裂和细胞通讯;在个体水平上,学习遗传和发育原理;在种群水平上,将了解生物演化,即整个种群在世代间的渐变,通过自然选择最终导致了今天我们所见到的多种生物;在生物群落和生态系统的水平上,将学习生态学,研究生物体之间以及生物与环境之间如何相互作用。本课程还将具体探讨演化的产物---生物体,着重讨论其结构与功能,这是大部分学生最感兴趣也是最为重要的部分。 生物学是一门快速发展的学科,不仅仅体现在越来越多的生物学现象被发现和理解,也体现在新的生物学技术应用和学科交叉上。所以,本门课程特别注重了解包括基因治疗、干细胞研究、重组DNA、生物芯片等现代生物学前沿方面的最新进展。而且,将会讨论生物学和物理、化学、数学、计算机、心理学等学科的交叉应用。生物学同时也是一门实验科学,我们将会介绍一些经典的、有趣的、甚至是有争议的生物学实验及其设计,希望同学们在学习的同时培养批判性的思维。本门课程的课堂教学追求通俗易懂,宏观与微观紧密联系,基础与应用相结合,帮助同学们加深对生命科学基本概念和原理的理解,引导学生树立正确的科学态度。 This introductory course includes the fundamental principles of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and cell biology. In addition, each version of the subject has its own distinctive material. All these knowledge are applied to more advanced subjects, like immunology, neurobiology, endocrinology and human behavior. 在本学期中,我们将学习和生命相关的基础和前沿知识。本课程首先按照层层递进的框架结构,解释生物学的基本理论:在分子和细胞水平上,我们将会学习细胞的结构、生长、分裂和细胞通讯;在个体水平上,学习遗传和发育原理;在种群水平上,将了解生物演化,即整个种群在世代间的渐变,通过自然选择最终导致了今天我们所见到的多种生物;在生物群落和生态系统的水平上,将学习生态学,研究生物体之间以及生物与环境之间如何相互作用。本课程还将具体探讨演化的产物---生物体,着重讨论其结构与功能,这是大部分学生最感兴趣也是最为重要的部分。...
化学与社会 | Chemistry and Society
by 卞江 Jiang BIAN- 0.0
4 Weeks
这是一门面向人文和社科类学生的化学课程。 | This is an introductory chemistry course for students of the humanities and social sciences. 化学与社会课程的授课对象是非科学类本科生,课程的内容涵盖了化学基础和应用的诸多方面。本课程的目标是:培养和提高非科学类学生的科学素养,使学生掌握一些基本的化学知识,对化学家思考问题、解决问题的方法有所了解,拓展学生的视野和知识面,理解当今人类社会所面临的若干重大挑战与化学之间的关联,进而有助于学生自身的职业发展。 化学与社会的主要内容包括化学基本概念、有机化学、高分子化学、材料化学、环境化学、地球化学、能源化学、生物化学、食品化学、医药化学和日用化学等。在课程的开始阶段,将简要介绍一些基本的化学概念和常识,然后依次介绍化学的一些重要分支以及它们在社会生活中的广泛应用。 化学起源于古老的神秘主义。东方道家和西方炼金术士们在追求长生不老和无尽财富的过程中奠定了实验化学的基础,发展出一套比较系统的化学实验方法和设备。尽管金丹术士们没有实现他们最初的目标,但是他们却取得了一个更为伟大的成就,那就是化学作为一门科学诞生了。 化学以理论和实验为基础,面向广阔的应用领域,经过三百多年的发展,已经成为人类文明的支柱学科。回顾人类发展史,几乎每个文明时期的标志性进展都与化学家的贡献密切相关。冶铁技术、人工合成氨技术、橡胶和塑料的合成以及纳米材料都最先出自化学家之手,因此毫不夸张地讲,化学是人类文明的基石。 化学与社会这门课的目的不是培养化学家,而是介绍化学及其成就,描述这门学科的过去、现在和未来。因此,这门课程就像是一艘“观光飞船”,带着同学们俯瞰这片神奇的领域,沿途领略化学中最具代表性的区域。通过学习化学与社会,学生不仅仅可以学到一些基本的化学知识,也可以对化学学科的历史和现状、化学与社会的关系、目前化学领域的某些热点问题以及化学的未来前景有一个轮廓式的了解。 Course Introduction video can also visit China website Teaching object non-scientific and social class undergraduate chemistry curriculum, course content covers many aspects of basic and applied chemistry. Chemical originated in ancient mysticism....
Learning Path: Python:Data Visualization with Matplotlib 2.x
by Packt Publishing- 3.8
10.5 hours on-demand video
He holds a PhD degree in Biochemistry from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and he has used Python and Matplotlib extensively during his 10 years' experience in the field of bioinformatics and big data analysis....