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Certificate in MYOB AccountRight Premier Course
by Abdullah Hussaini- 4.3
3 hours on-demand video
Welcome to Certificate in MYOB AccountRight Course Certificate in MYOB AccountRight Course is a proven MYOB and Accounting course designed to teach you the essential of double entry accounting or bookkeeping system as well as MYOB AccountRight Premier Version step by step from basic to advance level through video lectures and supplementary resources....
Specialized Certificate Course in Psychological Counseling
by iSapientific Studio- 4.4
13 hours on-demand video
The course develops your Practical Counseling Skills and Therapeutic Competencies The course offers an extensive knowledge and trains students in practical application of counseling skills at different settings: clinic/hospital, school, office, and so forth. The student also gets trained in how to deal clients of different age-groups and with different problems....
Certificate in Ayurveda basics, Introductory course
by Dr Maurya || Shanti Makaan - Ayurvedic Wellness Centre- 4.4
1.5 hours on-demand video
Course will teach you, Ayurveda basics is basic understanding of Ayurveda | where it came from | General Basic Principles | Body tissue and its balance | Mental Gunas | Your Body Dosha | Body Type and diet | Body Fire and its balance | Ayurvedic way of lifestyle | Uses of Herbs in daily life | Uses of Spices in daily life| How to Detox your Body...
Financial Management Capstone
by Jeff Flesher- 4.7
Approx. 8 hours to complete
You will analyze a situation taking the vantage point of a company and develop a financial management plan (for instance, a global company working in a specific geography chosen by students’ region or country of residence, or other consideration). For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and onlinemba. Get Your Course Certificate...
Genomics for Law
by Dr. Gene E. Robinson , Dr. Jennifer K. Robbennolt- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Throughout this course you will explore the implications of genomics research on law, as well as law's influence and implications on genomics research, as it pertains to the following topics: 9 MCLE hours have been approved in Illinois. Legal and Ethical Issues in Genomics Introduction to the Legal and Ethical Issues in Genomics...
Medicine in the Digital Age
by Kirsten Ostherr , Bryan Vartabedian MD- 0.0
4 Weeks
Medicine is in the midst of a shift never before seen. The course is intended for a general audience and is relevant to anyone working or interested in the emerging healthcare environment. This course is for leaders and aspiring leaders in healthcare and allied sectors including telecommunications, health insurance, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, device manufacturing, policy and government, investment, consulting and innovation....
Blockchain: Foundations and Use Cases
by ConsenSys Academy- 4.7
Approx. 10 hours to complete
This course is the definitive introduction to blockchain for both the developer and non-developer audience. Beyond the technology, this course will introduce you to some of the philosophy behind decentralization and why there is so much excitement around it. Module 3: Blockchain in Use Lesson 4: Royalties in the Music Industry...
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Introduction to Python for genetics
by Guilherme Matos Passarini, MSc- 4.5
4 hours on-demand video
However, the increasing amount of biological data generated every year, along with advances in biotechnology and the increasing role of informatics in life sciences makes the programming knowledge essential for biologists, biotechnologists, and so on! In this introductory course, you will learn how to model simple genetics problems using the programming language Python....
US Regulatory Strategy for Biologics & Pharmaceutical Drugs
by Brandon Too- 4.6
3 hours on-demand video
In this course, we will explore why regulations are important for public health, how to navigate through the FDA regulations to market a biologic or pharmaceutical, and practice developing a regulatory strategy. Scientists, physicians, entrepreneurs, public health professionals, industry analysts, consultants, and biomedical students interested in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry may find this course valuable....
Project Management Project
by Margaret Meloni, MBA, PMP- 4.8
Approx. 7 hours to complete
In the capstone, you will create several of the key planning deliverables that have been discussed in these courses and either work on a project you choose or use a suggested case study. In turn you will peer review the work of other classmates. Course Overview Links to Relevant Course Content Join the new applied project management certificate program!...