Search result for Coding challenges Online Courses & Certifications
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Become a Web Developer from Scratch
by Victor Bastos- 4.1
25 hours on-demand video
Coding Exercises and Challenges...
Deluge on a Luge: Learn Zoho Programming
by Jeremy Nagel- 3.8
5.5 hours on-demand video
Because the best way to learn to code is by coding, the course has over 25 exercises which will gradually build up your knowledge until you're ready to tackle the toughest challenges out there....
Introductory Topics in IS
by Allen Au- 3.5
3.5 hours on-demand video
The course includes the fundamental concepts of IT / IS, basic knowledge of IT / IS, business applications of Information Systems and challenges of IS Management Discusses the major challenges that IT presents to business managers, the components of IS management, and the managerial implications of the use of IT in global business....
Objective-C for Swift Developers
by Gabrielle Miller-Messner- 0.0
Approx. 5 weeks
lesson 6 Common Interoperability Challenges Facilitate communication between the languages of iOS. Complete a set of coding challenges to sharpen interop skills....
Games and Simulations: The Scratch Masterclass
by Sanjin Dedic- 3.9
7 hours on-demand video
Module 1: Challenges in Core Concepts (Integrated Mathematics) This module consists of five challenges, each of which presents several programming concepts and then challenges the student to solve a coding problem by applying these very concepts. This is the hardest challenge, designed for the students who are doing really well with coding and also enjoying the integrated mathematics....
Learn R By Intensive Practice
by Selva Prabhakaran- 4.6
6 hours on-demand video
✔ Numerous End-of-Lesson Challenges All topics close with an associated coding challenge similar to what you'll encounter in real world. That is why at the end of most lessons, you are posed a coding challenge and asked you to solve before moving to the next topic. I sincerely hope you take these challenges seriously....
Web & API Automation by KATALON STUDIO(Best for Newbies) ⭐️⭐
by Testing World- 4.2
17 hours on-demand video
This tool includes a full package of powerful features that help overcome common challenges in web UI test automation, for example, pop-up, iFrame, and wait-time. - Web Application Automation using Coding...
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Functional Programming using C++
by Tobias Hermann- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
Controlling complexity is one of the biggest challenges a developer faces. Every provided coding exercises comes with an exemplary solution....
Asynchronous Javascript from A to Z
by Islam Elgaeidy- 4.7
2 hours on-demand video
Then step by step adding in layers of knowledge, punctuated by quizzes and coding challenges to cement and your knowledge before moving onto the next section....
JavaScript Crash Course
by Raheem Soomro- 0.0
4.5 hours on-demand video
This course is designed to teach you the basics of JavaScript through practical exercises, challenging quizzes and coding challenges. Whether you are new to coding or you are an experienced coder, this course will teach you all you need to get started with the JavaScript programming language....