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Population Health: Predictive Analytics
by Ewout W. Steyerberg , David van Klaveren- 5
Approx. 18 hours to complete
Developing better prediction models is a critical step in the pursuit of improved health care: we need these tools to guide our decision-making on preventive measures, and individualized treatments. You need not install R on your computer to follow the course: you will be able to access R and all the example datasets within the Coursera environment....
Data Manipulation at Scale: Systems and Algorithms
by Bill Howe- 4.3
Approx. 20 hours to complete
Extracting knowledge from large, heterogeneous, and noisy datasets requires not only powerful computing resources, but the programming abstractions to use them effectively. Describe common patterns, challenges, and approaches associated with data science projects, and what makes them different from projects in related fields. Parallel and Distributed Query Processing NoSQL: Systems and Concepts...
Machine Learning for Data Analysis
by Jen Rose , Lisa Dierker- 4.2
Approx. 10 hours to complete
This course helps you do just that! Machine learning is the process of developing, testing, and applying predictive algorithms to achieve this goal. Strengths and Weaknesses of Decision Trees in SAS Installing Graphviz and pydotplus What Is A Random Forest and How Is It "Grown"? Validation and Cross-Validation Lasso Regression Limitations...
Global Statistics - Composite Indices for International Comparisons
by Stefan Andreas Sperlich , Juan Manuel Rodriguez Poo (in Partnership with UNIGE)- 4.6
Approx. 16 hours to complete
As a consequence, these simple numbers, expected to synthesize quite complex issues, are often presented to the public and used in the political debate without proper emphasis on their intrinsic limitations and correct interpretations. 6 Interview of Selim Jahan, part I: History of the Human Development index, and its major strengths and weaknesses...
Ecosystem Services: a Method for Sustainable Development
by Martin Schlaepfer , Anthony Lehmann , Juliet Jane Fall- 4.7
Approx. 18 hours to complete
Ecosystem services are a way of thinking about – and evaluating – the goods and services provided by nature that contribute to the well-being of humans. • define the concept of ecosystem services, its principles and limitations 11 Hedonic evaluation: a case study on landscape beauty and noise Interviews with Dr Ken Bagstad (USGS) and Prof Ian Bateman (Exeter University)...
Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teams
by Robin Hills- 4.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
Discover better team working through winning the hearts and minds and developing emotional intelligence in the workplace How good are you at communicating and building effective relationships? It means that you can have an understanding of other people's strengths and limitations through the way in which they use they prefer to approach situations, their focus and their behaviour....
A Circular Economy of Metals: Towards a Sustainable Societal Metabolism
by Ester van der Voet- 4.8
Approx. 41 hours to complete
Metals are present everywhere around us and are one of the major materials upon which our economies are built. Suggested Readings and Materials Scenarios of Metal Demand and Supply and Related Environmental Impacts The Metals Challenge and the Sustainable Development Goals People and the Earth Suggested Readings and Materials learn about the challenges related to metals production and usage...
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How To Build An Online Business From Start To Finish
by Crucial Advantage- 4
22.5 hours on-demand video
24 Hour Success walks you through powerful exercises to take you to where you want to be and provides you with tools to overcome all limitations on the road to your success. It is inevitable if you do not give up, but unlike a brick and mortar business, where you have one chance at sometimes great cost and expense....
Electric Vehicles and Mobility
by Émeric FORTIN , Virginie BOUTUEIL- 4.5
Approx. 20 hours to complete
The purpose of Electric Vehicles and Mobility is to help you, whatever your profile, your training or your country, find your own answers to questions such as: Chapter 4 – Electric Mobility and Infrastructures: Technical and Economic Dimensions Issues and Present Situation of Charging Infrastructures in France EV Business Models: Value and Deployment...
Pivot Tables, Power Pivot Tables, Power Query & Power BI
by MyExcelOnline John Michaloudis- 4.7
18 hours on-demand video
Definitely worth your time and money" - James There are 15 different modules so you can work on your weaknesses and enhance your strengths as well as practice files, quizzes and a FREE PDF Cheat Sheet listing all 333 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows & Mac that you can print off and keep....