Search result for Ph.d. in social science research methods Online Courses & Certifications
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Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business
by W.B. Lee , Klaus Tochtermann , Usama Fayyad , Eric Tsui- 0.0
8 Weeks
The business landscape is changing so rapidly that traditional management, business and computing courses do not meet the needs for the next generation of workers in the business world. The course is suitable for participants with a background in humanities, management, social science, physical science or engineering. Understand the role of social media and technologies in innovating new business services...
Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business
by Eric Tsui , W.B. Lee , Klaus Tochtermann , Usama Fayyad- 0.0
8 Weeks
The business landscape is changing so rapidly that traditional management, business and computing courses do not meet the needs for the next generation of workers in the business world. The course is suitable for participants with a background in humanities, management, social science, physical science or engineering. Understand the role of social media and technologies in innovating new business services...
R: Data Analysis with R - Step-by-Step Tutorial!: 3-in-1
by Packt Publishing- 4.4
5 hours on-demand video
Know how to use hierarchical cluster analysis using visualization methods such as Dendrogram and Silhouette plots! In addition, we cover time-series decomposition, forecasting, clustering, and classification. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Science and a PhD in molecular genetics. His work experience includes extensive research experience over five years at Ford in the areas of quality, reliability, and six-sigma....
Implementing Serverless Microservices Architecture Patterns
by Packt Publishing- 4
7.5 hours on-demand video
Richard has a solid background in computer science and holds a Master of Engineering (MEng) in computer systems engineering and a Doctorate (Ph. Worked closely with IBM and AWS and presented at industry events and summitsPublished research articles in numerous journals, presented at conferences and acted as a peer-reviewerHas over four years of production experience with Serverless computing on AWS...
How to Lower Blood Pressure and Overcome Hypertension
by Roman Torgovitsky, Ph.D.- 3.8
4.5 hours on-demand video
Within the past 15 years, science has seen a tremendous level of non-pharmacological research that can benefit patients. Modern research unequivocally demonstrates that hyper activation of your sympathetic nervous system plays a paramount role in genesis and maintenance of high blood pressure. In fact, modern research shows that we can do this without using drugs....
Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment
by Валерия Николаевна Петрова- 4.2
Approx. 10 hours to complete
About National Research Tomsk State University Psychodiagnostics as a Science Classification of Diagnostic Methods Diagnostics of Emotional, Social and Ethical Intelligence Methods of Collecting Personal Characteristics Empirical Data Traditional Dimensional Approach in Psychodiagnostics Integrative Approach in Psychodiagnostics...
R Data Analysis - Time-Series and Social Media
by Packt Publishing- 3.2
2.5 hours on-demand video
He embraced Academia once again in 2001. He has written several peer-reviewed research publications in journals such as Operations Research, IEEE Software, Computers and Industrial Engineering, and International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. He has done research in this area and hopes to pursue the subject further....
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SuperMinds: The Future of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
by Srinidhi Ranganathan- 4.3
37 mins on-demand video
Artificial intelligence was once the dream of science fiction writers - the most famous ones. In today’s day, AI research is constant and continues to grow day by day. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a hand in everything from what we see on a Facebook-like social media platform to actually determining what the best treatment will be during a hospital stay....
Acumen Presents: Daniel Pink on the Art of Selling
by Acumen Academy Courses- 3.9
1 hour on-demand video
Like it or not, we’re all in sales now. Next, Daniel will present the research on how sales has shifted more in the last 10 years than in the previous 100 years by explaining the concepts of information asymmetry and parity. He’ll offer you three templates to create pitches that work based on the social science research....
Data Science:Data Mining & Natural Language Processing in R
by Minerva Singh- 4.5
13 hours on-demand video
Over the course of my research I realized almost all the R data science courses and books out there do not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic and use data science interchangeably with machine learning. I use easy-to-understand, hands-on methods to simplify and address even the most difficult concepts in R....