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Professional documents using Word 2013
by Ulrika Hedlund- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
Each lecture contains high-quality, High-Definition tutorial videos showing step by step how to accomplish the covered scenario. In this lecture you’ll learn how to edit PDF documents using Word 2013 which is a very useful feature. You can also access your documents from anywhere and edit them from any device using the Web App, Word Online and Word for iPad....
Excel Basic to Advance Training Course Project Based 2021
by Accountech Training & Solutions- 0.0
6.5 hours on-demand video
Excel Basic to Advance Training Course Project Training includes Excel VBA , Excel Macros , Pivot table , Dashboard, IF In this course I have provided you with free downloadable Excel workbooks for each tutorial It was a wonderful experience and that God that I have life time access to this course....
Sound Therapy & Energy Healing for Animals
by Carmel Diviney- 5
1 hour on-demand video
Sometimes all it takes is guidance on how to access and unlock this innate resource. PDF Manual of the written course content for your convenience and referral Resources: Included is over one hour of Tutorial Videos, MP3 Healing Music for Animals, PDF Manual of Course Content....
Pivot Tables, Power Pivot Tables, Power Query & Power BI
by MyExcelOnline John Michaloudis- 4.7
18 hours on-demand video
> 7 COURSE BONUSES: Excel PDF Cheat Sheets, 101 Ready Made Excel Templates, plus MORE!!!---------------------------------------- Imagine getting data from multiple sources like SQL Server, Oracle, XML, Excel, Microsoft Access and analyzing these all into one awesome Pivot Table! Macros & VBA 7 COURSE BONUSES: Excel PDF Cheat Sheets, 101 Ready Made Excel Templates, plus MORE!!!...
Office 2013教材コース(Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Access、Outlook、Win10)
by アテイン 株式会社- 3.9
10.5 hours on-demand video
PowerPointの基本的な利用方法を学習します。プレゼンテーションの新規作成や、基本操作を学習し、テンプレートやテーマでデザインを美しく仕上げます。後半では図形や写真、グラフを使って、ビジュアル的な表現を高める方法を学びます。実用的な利用方法を学習します。スライドマスターで効率的に統一感をだし、アニメーションや画面切り替え効果で表現力を高めます。後半では配布資料の準備と発表用のノートを作成する方法を学習し、発表者ビューを使ってスライドショーをスマートに行う方法を学習します。---------------------------------------------------------------------------●誰でもわかる! これから始める Microsoft Access 2013---------------------------------------------------------------------------複雑な開発の知識がなくともアプリケーションの構築ができるAccessは、これからデータベースを始める入門者に最適です。Accessの起動や、データベースの新規作成の方法から順を追って解説していきますので、初心者でも安心して学習することができます。また、いままで旧バージョンのMicrosoft Officeを使用していた方が、2013に乗り換える際に、新しいインターフェースとその操作方法を学びたい場合にも有効です。...
Effortless Email: Achieve Inbox Zero for Good & Master Gmail
by Arman Assadi- 0.0
3.5 hours on-demand video
Instant access to 11 modules of easy to understand, 1-on-1, step-by-step HD tutorial videos and downloadable PDF Summary Guides You'll have lifetime access to the system, which means as the course evolves and updates are made you'll still have access....
Complete Python Developer in 2021: Zero to Mastery
by Andrei Neagoie- 4.7
30.5 hours on-demand video
We are going to use Python to work with Email, Text Messages, CSV files, PDF files, Image Files, Data Visualizations, build our own machine learning model and perform Image detection....
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Play YOUR Favorite Songs: The Guitar Super-Course
by Cooper - Guitar Songs Masters- 4.6
12.5 hours on-demand video
- tutorial is with mind that you might have a 8h job and responsibilities and how to learn even then My Secret Songbooks Link-Bank: Get Access to 7 Songbooks with 5000+ Songs...