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The All-In-One Web Development Course
by Nauman Sajid- 4.1
18.5 hours on-demand video
The All In One Web Development Course puts everything you need to know, all in one place! Save time and money by having everything you need, conveniently available to you, in one comprehensive course. The All In One Web Development course will ensure you bridge those gaps and gain experience in all the major programming languages....
Mobile App Dev with Ionic and React: Idea to App Store
by Michael D. Callaghan- 4.3
2 hours on-demand video
This course will introduce mobile development using web technologies and The Ionic Framework. In this course, you will learn how to go from no code to your very own application ready for sale on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. I expect you to have some basic understanding of web development....
Advanced C# Course : Become a Backend Developer
by Engin Demiroğ- 4.4
3 hours on-demand video
Learn how to implement layered architecture, repository, Ninject, Fluent Validation, AOP, Postsharp, web api and more Are you ready to reach upper levels of software development industry? Do you know how to create application layers? You will learn how to implement an effective application with layers. Web API Implementation...
PHP OOP - Understand Object Oriented Programming in PHP
by Ryan Dhungel- 4.5
3 hours on-demand video
Learn and understand PHP OOP so that you can start building amazing Web Apps with PHP frameworks such as LARAVEL Laravel is currently the most popular web framework. It is very much loved by developers because it makes development process easy and enjoyable while letting you build extremely powerful server side web applications....
Rapid Redis
by Packt Publishing- 4.4
1 hour on-demand video
His strikingly broad and successful technical background includes founding a large web service software company and two consulting companies, product and project leadership in enterprise and consulting environments, research and development for some of America’s most prestigious firms, 24x7 operations planning and management, and open source software development and leadership....
Angular with PHP and JSON web tokens (JWT)
by Nevyan Neykov- 3.7
1.5 hours on-demand video
Create Angular application with authentication from scratch and integrate it with PHP backend This course will lead you through the step by step creation of an Angular application, which uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and gives an opportunity to log in and log out users....
Learn Angular JS for Beginners
by EDUmobile Academy- 4.2
1 hour on-demand video
AngularJS is basically a JavaScript framework (an open source web application framework) library, which is distributed as JavaScript file. Mainly used in developing Single Page Application (SPA). It extendes HTML with additional new attributes hence making simple development and making it more responsive at user’s end, since HTML was never design for dynamics views....
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Google Script How to Update Google Sheet data from a web App
by Laurence Svekis- 4.6
1.5 hours on-demand video
Explore how you can use Google Script to connect Google Apps and with web apps to update your Google Spreadsheet This course provides ways to use the data for web development and more. Minimal programming is required for this course, but a basic understanding is needed for the more advanced web application functionality....
The Docker for DevOps course: From development to production
by Nick Janetakis- 4.2
7 hours on-demand video
It's similar to how mobile app development was a few years ago. Companies are EXPECTING new developers to manage the full life cycle of their web applications. Together we'll walk through developing and deploying a multi-service Flask and Ruby on Rails application (more framework examples will be provided as bonus lectures too)....
Go Java Full Stack with Spring Boot and Angular
by in28Minutes Official- 4.5
11 hours on-demand video
Welcome to this Amazing Course on Full Stack Web Development with Angular and Spring Boot. Developing your first full stack web application with Angular and Spring Boot is fun. In this course, you will learn the basics of full stack web development developing a Basic Todo Management Application using Angular, Spring Boot, and Spring Security Frameworks....