Search result for Certificate in data visualization Online Courses & Certifications
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Data Science: Wrangling
by Rafael Irizarry- 0.0
8 Weeks
In this course, part of our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science,we cover several standard steps of the data wrangling process like importing data into R, tidying data, string processing, HTML parsing, working with dates and times, and text mining. Very rarely is data easily accessible in a data science project....
Tableau Desktop 2021 - A Complete Introduction
by Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller- 4.5
10.5 hours on-demand video
Understand the differences between data preparation and data analysis & visualization want to understand the basic concepts of a typical data analysis project workflow from data preparation over data analysis up to visualization Understand Tableau Desktop and use it in your own data analysis projects Learn and apply the core Tableau Desktop features for data preparation, analysis and visualization...
COVID-19 / CORONA virus data analytics
by Frank Kienle- 4.6
7 hours on-demand video
Analysis of CORONA / COVID-19 virus data with Python: data handling, machine learning, visualisation, spread simulations The goal of this lecture is to transport the best practices of data science from the industry while developing a CORONA / COVID-19 analysis prototype Deployment (how to deliver results, dynamic dashboards in python and Tableau)...
Web Scraping and Mapping Dam Levels in Python and Leaflet
by EBISYS R&D- 3.7
4.5 hours on-demand video
Welcome to Web Scraping and Mapping Dam Levels in Python. In this course ETL, Python Django Programming, Web Mapping, and Data Visualization. • You will then build a model, that you will use to plot the dam level data on a pass data from the back-end to the front-end....
Business Intelligence con la Product Suite di Tableau
by Manuel Belgioioso- 0.0
6 Weeks
Per questo, il modulo mescola conoscenze teoriche e applicazioni pratiche dei principi della data visualization, fondamentali per la progettazione, la costruzione e la comunicazione dei dati in ambito BI. Basato sulla programmazione visuale, Tableau Prep permette agli utenti di disegnare passo dopo passo una data source ottimizzata a seconda delle proprie necessità analitiche....
Data Processing with Python
by Ardit Sulce- 4.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
Build 10 advanced Python scripts which together make up a data analysis and visualization program. Solve six exercises related to processing, analyzing and visualizing US income data with Python. Import data into Python for analysis and visualization from various sources such as CSV and delimited TXT files. Keep the data organized inside Python in easily manageable pandas dataframes....
ACL for Audit, Data analysis and Visualization
by Samuel Kolawole- 0.0
8.5 hours on-demand video
ACL(Audit Command Language) analytics for tasks automation and data science. Are you an auditor, a data scientist or you are passionate about data analysis and visualization, this course is ideal for you. The key commands and concepts taught in this course had not changed. The scripts written in this course can still be executed in the newer versions....
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Data Science:Data Mining & Natural Language Processing in R
by Minerva Singh- 4.5
13 hours on-demand video
Many courses use made-up data that does not empower students to implement R based data science in real life. After taking this course, you’ll easily use packages like caret, dplyr to work with real data in R. (b) Equip you to use R to perform the different exploratory and visualization tasks for data modelling....
Python Basics for Data Science
by Joseph Santarcangelo- 0.0
5 Weeks
Start now and take advantage of this platform and learn the basics of programming, machine learning, and data visualization with this introductory course. The objectives of this course is to get you started with Python as the programming language and give you a taste of how to start working with data in Python....
Python 3 Data Science: NumPy, Pandas, and Time Series
by Ashwin Pajankar • 50,000+ Students Worldwide- 3.6
13 hours on-demand video
Learn NumPy, Matplotlib, Jupyter, Pandas, Plotly, Altair, Seaborn, and Time Series Analysis in a single course Become a Master in Data Acquisition, Visualization, and Time Series Analysis with Python 3 and acquire employers' one of the most requested skills of 21st Century! An expert level Data Science professional can earn minimum $100000 (that's five zeros after 1) in today's economy....