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MetaTrader 5 Trading Robot Without Programming Knowledge
by Timur Mashnin- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
The MetaTrader 5 provides such features as the MetaEditor and it’s the MQL5 Wizard that allows you to quickly create Expert Advisors even if you don’t have special knowledge....
Mastering Drupal 8 Development
by Packt Publishing- 2.9
5 hours on-demand video
At the time, he didn't have any intention of returning to the programming field; Drupal was just a tool that helped him to get the job done. Naturally, he chose Drupal as the tool to learn. Marc started building websites for clients in 2010 and now specializes in using Drupal as a framework to build custom web applications....
K6- Automate Performance &Load Testing of API& Microservices
by CtrlAltSkills Care- 3.8
12.5 hours on-demand video
K6 helps you to automate Load tests that simulate real-world users as closely as possible. IntelliSense - Get code auto-completion and in-context documentation. Visual Studio Code Extension - Execute VS Code commands to run a k6 test of your current file. Write tests in Javascript code - Full scripting language to write realistic load tests....
Projects in PHP and MySQL
by Eduonix Learning Solutions- 4.4
20 hours on-demand video
We create an admin section to add posts, delete posts as well as update them. We take our first look at using libraries and classes in OOP as we create a completely custom MySQLi Database class. Ajax is used to fetch contacts as well as add and edit them....
Jamovi: A Powerful R-based Statistical Analyses Tool
by Data District- 3.7
5 hours on-demand video
As far as practice activities go, I encourage you to follow along with the same examples and repeat them using your own combination of variables and to experiment with using the code in R and seeing where it takes you. It's got syntax mode! It's like an R code cheat sheet generator....
Complete Google Earth Engine for Remote Sensing & GIS
by Minerva Singh- 4.6
5 hours on-demand video
In this course, actual satellite remote sensing data such as Landsat from USGS and radar data from JAXA will be used to give a practical hands-on experience of working with remote sensing and understanding what kind of questions remote sensing can help us answer....
Projects in Enterprise Java
by Eduonix Learning Solutions- 4.4
12 hours on-demand video
Add other technologies such as MySQL and Struts, you’re courses often leave user with the basics, such as creating a simple As other technologies such as Spring Boot, Hibernate, Spring Data, 3: Job Portal – In this project, everything will be low-level...
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The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course (2021)
by Colt Steele- 4.7
52 hours on-demand video
You'll learn - from very early on in the course - how to write beautiful and reusable code that you'll be proud to show to a future employer. Understand how to design the structure of the code you write, leading to beautiful and easy-to-read programs...
Text Mining with Machine Learning and Python
by Packt Publishing- 3.8
2.5 hours on-demand video
You'll build your own toolbox of know-how, packages, and working code snippets so you can perform your own text mining analyses. By the end of the course, you will have learned and understood the various aspects of text mining with ML and the important processes involved in it, and will have begun your journey as an effective text miner....
Master RxJava , Dagger with MVVM for Android Development
by Mahmoud Ramadan- 3.6
5.5 hours on-demand video
learn Reactive programming using RxJava, RxAndroid and Kotlin with Dagger , Retrofit and Android Architecture components Hi my friends, welcome to Master RxJava , Dagger with MVVM for Android Development. This course designed for android developers with no experience in RxJava and Dagger and have basics knowledge in Kotlin and want to use it in their code....