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Hands-On RxJS for Web Development
by Packt Publishing- 3.9
5.5 hours on-demand video
Harness the power of RxJS by solving real-life web tasks with Reactive programming; use Observables to code less Web application code can get tangled up, which makes it hard to test and maintain. Also, asynchronous computations and HTTP requests have to be properly managed. However, with RxJS 6 you can unify, filter, and transform these streams with ease....
Mastering SharePoint 2019
by Packt Publishing- 4.4
4 hours on-demand video
Leverage Microsoft SharePoint 2019 features and capabilities to maximum advantage SharePoint 2019 is designed to be compelling, flexible, mobile, and easier to use. This course will be a perfect guide to take your skills in Microsoft SharePoint to the next level. This course will develop and take your intermediate skills to the next level....
Implementing Graph Algorithms Using Scala
by Packt Publishing- 4.2
3.5 hours on-demand video
Learn functional programming in Scala by implementing various graph algorithms. Scala's functional programming features are a boon to help you design “easy to reason about” systems to control growing software complexities. In this course we practise many functional techniques by solving various graph problems. We start by looking at how we can represent graph structures in an efficient functional manner....
Mastering C++ Standard Library Features
by Packt Publishing- 3.8
6 hours on-demand video
Harness the power of the C++ STL and make full use of its components C++ has come a long way and has now been adopted in several contexts with the latest updates of the STL and with C++17 on its way. This video course will take you through C++'s Standard library and the most important features of C++11/14/17....
Redux – End to End
by Packt Publishing- 4.2
4 hours on-demand video
A practical look at Redux, from the ground up, and from front end to back. Redux completes the missing piece of the React framework, and is used at the core of React for most complex React projects. In this course, we’ll be focusing on leveraging the Redux framework to impose better engineering on React applications....
A Complete Guide to Modern DevOps Implementation
by Packt Publishing- 4
9 hours on-demand video
Automate your infrastructure, enhance its security using DevOps tools to overcome modern challenges in software delivery If you’re facing issues of decreased frequency of deployment, high new releases failure rate and longer lead time between fixes than modern DevOps is the answer to your problems. DevOps enables rapid application development and follows a traditional way of performing security checks....
Flutter in 7 Days
by Packt Publishing- 3.9
4 hours on-demand video
Create high-quality, beautiful UIs and reach the top level of app development with Flutter - all in 1 week You'll gain the confidence to build customized UI's for your own projects using Flutter. By the end of this course, you will be up-to-speed with Flutter development and will be able to build stunningly rich cross-platform applications with a single codebase....
Learning BackboneJS Testing
by Packt Publishing- 4.6
2 hours on-demand video
An interactive guide to perform automated testing on BackboneJs applications with the help of a real-world example The dynamic nature and flexibility of JavaScript and BackboneJs includes many ways of expressing ideas. Such liberty gives way to certain risks that aren't as prominent in strongly typed languages and highly opinionated libraries and frameworks....
Hands-on Application Development with GraphQL: 3-in-1
by Packt Publishing- 3.4
12 hours on-demand video
Rapidly build web applications, better RESTful Web Services, as well as create a blog using GraphQL, React, and Relay! GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API. Hence the execution becomes easier and quicker....
LEARNING PATH: R: Advanced Deep Learning with R
by Packt Publishing- 3.3
6.5 hours on-demand video
Two complete courses in one comprehensive training program. Deep learning is the next big thing. It’s a part of machine learning. Its favorable results in applications with huge and complex data is remarkable. R programming language is very popular among data miners and statisticians. Deep learning refers to artificial neural networks that are composed of many layers....