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Practical Data Science: Analyzing Stock Market Data with R
by Manuel Amunategui- 4.4
4 hours on-demand video
Learn basic financial technical analysis technics using R (quantmod, TTR) to better understand your favorites stocks. In this class, we will explore various technical and quantitative analysis techniques using the R programming language. I will code as I go and explain what I am doing. All the code is included in PDFs attached to each lecture....
Practical Data Science: Reducing High Dimensional Data in R
by Manuel Amunategui- 4.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
In this R course, we'll see how PCA can reduce a 5000+ variable data set into 10 variables and barely lose accuracy!...
Intro to Big Data, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
by Julia Mariasova- 4.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
Big Data Technology & Tools for Non-Technical Leaders. You will learn about big data, Internet of Things (IoT), data science, big data technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) algorithms, neural networks, and why this could be relevant to you even if you don't have technology or data science background....
Machine Learning 101 with Scikit-learn and StatsModels
by 365 Careers- 4.6
5 hours on-demand video
Even neural networks geeks (like us) can’t help, but admit that it’s these 3 simple methods - linear regression, logistic regression and clustering that data science actually revolves around. Of course, there is only one way to teach these skills in the context of data science - to accompany statistics theory with practical application of these quantitative methods in Python....
[2021] Data Science: A-Z Bootcamp + Real Cases (Version 8.1)
by William McGuffey Academy- 4.4
27 hours on-demand video
A-Z Data Science Training: Advanced Statistics & Machine Learning with R, Excel + Tableau, Power BI from Best Seller We offer the best data science courses in the industry that help you get into the depth of the subject and have a comprehensive knowledge of the tools like R, Excel, Power BI, Tableau and techniques....
Intro to Python for Data Science
by Pinata Data- 3.8
1.5 hours on-demand video
Go from complete Python newbie to building your own automated Python tools for Data Science...
Python & Introduction to Data Science
by AI 4 MY- 4.3
9 hours on-demand video
Learn the basics of Python and the most important Data Science libraries with this step by step guide! Functions to create random data RAM memory optimization for large amounts of data...
Introduction to R for Data Science
by Mark Daniel Ward , Yucong Zhang- 0.0
Discover big data: work with airline data to learn the fundamentals of the R platform. Download, install, and use the R platformImport data into R and visualize dataUse vectors and vectorized functions, including some of the tapply functionsManipulate data into desired formats, including cleaning and verifying dataPredict business performanceMake data-driven decisions about your industry...
Probability and Statistics In Data Science
by Pronoy Kumar- 2.6
32 mins on-demand video
Learn the basics of Data Science libraries with this step by step guide! By the end of the course you will learn about Exploring Data Engineering Pipelines and Infrastructure ,Applying Data Science to Business and Industry & Introducing Probability and Statistics . A Data Scientist dons many hats in his/her workplace....
Data Science: Sparklyr Basics for Beginners
by Artech Learning, LLC.- 3.7
1.5 hours on-demand video
Learn to interact with data in Apache Spark through sparklyr and simplify machine learning model implementations. Welcome to this course: Data Science - Sparklyr Basics for Beginners. In order to operate at this level you need to build data science solutions of substance –solutions that solve real problems....