Search result for Video game design and development Online Courses & Certifications
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The Complete Android Developer Course: Beginner To Advanced!
by Joe Parys- 4.3
17 hours on-demand video
⇉ Watch the promo video to see How You Can Begin Building And Developing Your Very Own Android Applications Today! We have an overview about gestures and the techniques to handle them Last but not the least we have a basic introduction to game development by studying thegame development platform Libgdx, here we study the basic structure of a game....
Go Essentials for Full Stack Web Development
by Packt Publishing- 3.8
3.5 hours on-demand video
Get to know the essentials in Golang for Full Stack Web Development We will show you how to install Go and how to configure your workspace and development environment. Kamesh has over 20 years' software development experience and has implemented numerous solutions in the advertising, entertainment, media, publishing, hospitality, video game, legal, and government sectors....
Photoshop and Illustrator speed illustration workflow
by Widhi Muttaqien, S.Kom, MMSI- 4.4
12 hours on-demand video
Combine the power of raster and vector to create any type of digital drawing In fast, beautiful and modular way Illustrator and how to combine them together in a seamless graphic artworks such as: UI design, logos, icons, game design, creative access to more than 80 videos carefully crafted and organized to make...
Practical guide to AI in Unity
by Andreas Metz- 4.3
4.5 hours on-demand video
Colony Simulation: A game like Rimworld or Oxygen Not Included, where you can't control the NPCs directly, but instead they are controlled by the AI and you need to help them survive by making sure they've got enough to eat. By the end of the course you'll be confident with the most important AI-Techniques- and Design Patterns for modern Gamedevelopment....
Dive Into SpriteKit - You Design the Game
by Stephen DeStefano- 3.7
13 hours on-demand video
All source code updated to Swift 5 - Design and code your own games by choosing exactly what should happen! And with the many coding choices presented, there are tons of different combinations you can give to your games, all contributing to you building a game that is uniquely yours. and more!...
Python GUI Programming Recipes using PyQt5
by Packt Publishing- 4.3
4 hours on-demand video
Learn to design a UI with help of PyQT5 Python and one of its QT GUI in a visual manner, using drag and drop to add and position widgets, and we will use it extensively. having successfully installed PyQt5, the QT Designer, and all other Along the way, we will explore many QT widgets and...
Game Development (Android + IOS): Build 12 Apps & Games
by Sachin Kafle- 3.5
27 hours on-demand video
Android game and app development with Kivy+Python While Python is optimized for development on Linux and Unix systems, interpreters are available for just about every major operating system. Some famous examples of games developed either entirely or in large part with Python include EVE Online, Civilization IV, the Battlefield game series and the Mount & Blade games....
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Learn Articulate Storyline 360 from scratch
by Prashant Gupta- 0.0
5.5 hours on-demand video
Welcome to the Articulate Storyline 360 Training series of video tutorials. In this course you will learn in depth methods and techniques to design and develop e-Learning content using articulate storyline. With Storyline 360, you can quickly create effective and engaging courses and presentations that include voice overs, video, animation, and dynamic user interaction using a familiar PowerPoint-style interface....
Unity 2017 Game Physics
by Yohann Taieb- 4
2.5 hours on-demand video
Hi, and welcome to the Unity Game Physics course, my name is Yohann and I'm famous for having enabled my students to make games that reached the top ranks in the itunes app store. The Unity engine is the mamoth in game dev and by far and away the dominant global game development software....
HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript Workshop: Build 7 Creative Projects
by Filip Kordanovski- 4.4
6 hours on-demand video
Learn real world web development & design skills to build up a website from scratch with 7 incredibly creative projects! I'll take you by your hand and we'll build everything together. Access to an exclusive Facebook group and a student chatroom where we discuss web development & design topics and help each student with any questions they have!...