Search result for Advanced techniques Online Courses & Certifications
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Data Manipulation in Python: A Pandas Crash Course
by Samuel Hinton- 4.6
9 hours on-demand video
Learn common and advanced Pandas data manipulation techniques to take raw data to a final product for analysis as efficiently as possible. When it comes to advanced functions, Pandas documentation is rarely helpful. This course helps you grasp advanced Pandas techniques easily and saves you time in searching for help....
Mastering Magento
by Packt Publishing- 3.9
3.5 hours on-demand video
Since Magento's Model-View-Controller (MVC) structure is well-documented on the Internet, we will cover more advanced techniques rather quickly. Finally, we will close with some advanced techniques that will teach you how to leverage Magento's command-line interface, dataflow profiles, and advanced debugging tools such as Xdebug for PHP....
The Complete Piano Course - Master The Piano
by Iliya Ryakhovskiy- 4.6
21.5 hours on-demand video
Advanced is for players who have completed the basic and intermediate sections and are ready to learn the piano at a masterful level. Learn basic and advanced piano techniques....
Addressing Large Hadron Collider Challenges by Machine Learning
by Andrei Ustyuzhanin , Mikhail Hushchyn- 4.5
Approx. 24 hours to complete
So the data processing techniques have to be quite sophisticated and unique. Of course we will scrutinize the major stages of the data processing pipelines, and focus on the role of the Machine Learning techniques for such tasks as track pattern recognition, particle identification, online real-time processing (triggers) and search for very rare decays....
Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis
by Sergei Obiedkov- 4.8
Approx. 26 hours to complete
FCA can help in processing a wide class of data types providing a framework in which various data analysis and knowledge acquisition techniques can be formulated. Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to use the mathematical techniques and computational tools of formal concept analysis in their own research projects involving data processing....
Business Analytics - Advanced Excel
by ForeVision Academy- 4.2
9.5 hours on-demand video
•Basic & Advanced Excel Formulae •Charts – Basic, Multi Axis, Advanced & Dynamic •Shortcut techniques for easy working...
Flute Masterclass: 5 Methods to Improve Your Tone Today
by Angela McBrearty- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
You’ll Quickly Learn 5 Practical Techniques That You Can Start Doing Today to Get a Better Tone on the Flute Are you an intermediate to advanced level flutist who wants to improve your tone? Improve Your Tone on the Flute with Advanced Breathing Techniques...
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Fully Accredited Advanced Kinesiology Diploma Course
by Dr Karen E Wells- 3.5
1 hour on-demand video
Fully Accredited Advanced Kinesiology Diploma Course Our Advanced Diploma course on Kinesiology is an in-depth course which adds to and builds upon the information provided in the foundation-level course. Welcome to your Fully Accredited Advanced Kinesiology Diploma Course Your Fully Accredited Advanced Kinesiology Diploma Course training manual Advanced Kinesiology Correction Techniques...
Oracle 11g PL/SQL Fundamentals II
by Intellezy Trainers- 4.6
10 hours on-demand video
Additional topics include taking advantage of advanced programming techniques such as cursor variables and cursor expressions....
Rapid Prototyping for Entrepreneurs| Build a Demo in 2 hours
by Evan Kimbrell- 4.5
5.5 hours on-demand video
Used advanced features and export settings in Balsamiq Use all advanced features and techniques in Pidoco...