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Build a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency | Full-Stack Edition
by David Joseph Katz- 4.5
14.5 hours on-demand video
Full-stack blockchain programming course! A backend + frontend with Node. js, Jest, Express, React, Heroku, & more! White walkers stalking you in the night? Death eaters knocking down your door? Ok, maybe the magic part was a tiny bit exaggerated. It’s proven that it has the power to revolutionize economic systems and so much more....
Intro To PHP For Web Development
by John Elder- 4.3
6 hours on-demand video
I'll also show you how to host websites for free on the popular Heroku web hosting platform....
Building Web Apps Using Flask and Neo4j
by Infinite Skills- 4
2.5 hours on-demand video
A Guide for Python Developers In this Building Web Apps Using Flask and Neo4j training course, expert author Nicole White will teach you how to incorporate graph databases into your web applications. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with Flask or Neo4j is required. ...
Build A Flashcard Website With Python and Django
by John Elder- 4.8
3 hours on-demand video
After we build the website, I'll show you how to set up Version control with Git, then we'll push our code to Github for safe keeping before pushing it to Heroku for Free Web hosting....
Cloud Computing Concepts
by Tek Smart Learning- 4.1
2 hours on-demand video
Start your Cloud Journey with us - Learn the fundamentals, platforms, certifications of Cloud Computing and much more ! With technological advancements, cloud computing is becoming standard and mainstream in IT world. Companies of all sizes are looking to transform existing traditional IT services to "Cloud". Added a new chapter with topics like Heroku, OpenShift and Cloud Native Development....
Projects in Cloud Computing
by Eduonix Learning Solutions- 3.6
7 hours on-demand video
Master the latest cloud computing technologies and start building products on the cloud The ONLY course to help you understand Cloud Computing using a hands-on approach is finally here! The fast paced acceleration of technology has resulted in futuristic concepts to become real. What used to seem like sci-fi technologies have now become the norm....
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Build Ecommerce Website to Master Django and Python
by The Zero2Launch Team- 4.1
3.5 hours on-demand video
Deploy to Heroku...
React Node Website Development for Beginners
by Ryan Dhungel- 4.3
3 hours on-demand video
New section added - Deploying Node Js API and React App to Heroku...
Scalable Web Applications with Python, Flask, and SQLAlchemy
by Hara Gopal- 4.3
5.5 hours on-demand video
We will save our code to GitHub, design and style the Application using Flask Bootstrap, use SQLAlchemy ORM to query data and finally deploy it to the web-hosting platform Heroku...