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Learning about Panic Disorder: The psychology that underlies
by Sarah Alsawy- 3.7
1.5 hours on-demand video
We will also be discussing different treatment options available for people who may be struggling with panic, as well as going through specific example techniques that we can consider its application....
Transgender Medicine for General Medical Providers
by Joshua D Safer, MD- 4.8
Approx. 7 hours to complete
The course is a comprehensive set of didactic lectures surveying fundamentals of transgender medical and surgical treatment. The material is meant to provide the student with core knowledge that is essential for current primary care providers caring for transgender patients. Subsequent modules allow individuals to learn key elements necessary to provide quality transgender medical care....
How to Clear Depression Using Traditional Chinese Medicine
by Michael Hetherington- 4.6
4 hours on-demand video
Looking for better options for treatment? Chinese medicine alone offers over 2000 years of field testing in the treatment and understanding of depression, anxiety and stress....
Solid Waste Management
by OLC and SURR- 0.0
6 Weeks
Historically, the highest expenditures of local governments is in the SWM sector but – particularly in low- and middle-income country cities – the bulk of expenses goes towards collection and transport instead of treatment and disposal. Evaluate various technology options based on the financial, technical, and operational capacities of each technology and treatment/disposal options...
Advanced Valuation and Strategy - M&A, Private Equity, and Venture Capital
by Han Smit , Dyaran Bansraj , Nishad Matawlie , Yashvir Gangaram Panday , Renée Spigt- 4.6
Approx. 16 hours to complete
Our treatment goes far beyond the use of standard valuation analysis. Animation - Real options are everywhere! Corporate Real Options Animation - Real options are everywhere!...
Artificial Intelligence: Advanced Machine Learning
by Eduero Academy, Inc.- 3.5
3.5 hours on-demand video
We’ll show you how to use random forest to predict what type of insurance a patient has based on their treatment and you will get an overview of how to use random forest/decision tree and examine the model....
Survival guide to stem cell research and therapies
by Veronika Valdova- 4.2
1 hour on-demand video
Learn how to find and utilize publicly available information to make better treatment decisions. Survival guide to stem cell research and therapies provides comprehensive guidance to publicly available resource materials, libraries and registries for people who are interested in understanding currently available treatment options involving human stem cells....
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Learn about Social Anxiety: Psychology to set you free
by Sarah Alsawy- 4.1
1.5 hours on-demand video
We will also be discussing different treatment options available for people who may be struggling with social anxiety, as well as going through specific example techniques that we can consider its application....
Overview & Management of Parkinson’s Disease
by Mary DiBartolo- 0.0
5 Weeks
The various classes of medications (primarily levodopa) used for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease will be discussed with an emphasis on proper dosing and timing to minimize dyskinesias and other side effects; Other treatment options, including surgical and non-pharmacologic approaches to address motor symptoms, and other strategies to address non-motor and neuropsychiatric manifestations...
Planning & Design of Sanitation Systems and Technologies
by Christoph Lüthi- 4.8
Approx. 17 hours to complete
1 [Semi] Centralized Treatment - Treatment stages 2 [Semi] Centralized Treatment - Anaerobic Technologies 3 [Semi] Centralized Treatment - Aerobic Technologies 4 [Semi] Centralized Treatment - Technologies for Sludge Treatment 8 Institutional and financial options for sanitation service delivery...