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A arte de fotografar
by Helinton Andruchechen- 4.3
4.5 hours on-demand video
Seção 2 "Tipos de câmeras" - Aqui vamos falar sobre diversos tipos de câmeras, câmeras de celular, compactas, câmeras com zoom, dslr, gopro (onde você vai aprender a fazer um time-lase), drones (onde vai aprender pra que serve, o que podemos fazer com ele, tipos variados de drone e cuidados que se deve tomar com os mesmos)....
Video Production Masterclass: Complete Video Camera Course
by Chris Haroun- 4.6
27 hours on-demand video
Learn to Use Any Photography Camera or Video Camera to Make Great Videos With Any Budget for Personal or Business Use We guarantee that this is THE most thorough videography course available ANYWHERE on the market or your money back. This course and the many exercises in this course are for beginner or advanced users in any country and with any budget!...
Amazon FBA + Private Label Products - The Complete Course!
by Ash Peat- 3.9
6 hours on-demand video
Create your own business or passive income with your own branded products, selling on Amazon FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon). This course will teach you how to create your own profitable brand of products, either as a full time business that you can scale and sell, or for passive extra income. Master tried and tested Amazon Selling techniques....
Cinematography Course: Shoot Better Video with Any Camera
by Phil Ebiner- 4.5
3 hours on-demand video
Shoot better video by learning the video production techniques used by Hollywood filmmakers. And get paid to do it! You want to get better at shooting video, right? This online Cinematography Course will teach you how to shoot beautiful videos with any camera. This is the course for you, taught by a professional Hollywood cinematographer....
by Video School- 3.9
3 hours on-demand video
学习好莱坞电影人也在使用的影视拍摄技巧,成为专业摄像师! 想拍出更优质的视频吗? 这个在线影视拍摄课程将教你拍出精美的视频,用任何相机都可以! 本课程将带您了解专业摄像的各种细节,了解电影制作的艺术。虽然类似的课程有很多,但它们却都不够全面,不能涵盖影视拍摄的方方面面。但我们可以! 这门课程由专业的好莱坞摄像师教授,绝对是你一直在寻找的课程! 你将学到什么? 了解使用任何相机拍摄出精彩镜头的基本原则(相机选择、ISO、帧速率、快门速度、光圈等) 正确设置相机,正确曝光拍摄 使用三脚架、手持设备、摄影机稳定器和无人机等,拍出精美镜头 了解通过镜头移动来拍出更令人印象深刻的镜头 利用传统的摄像技术和布光技巧进行打光 了解如何与电影制作人、导演以及其他部门合作 成为专业的电影摄影技师 了解在影视行业获得工作机会的方法 整体提高的影视制作能力和水平 我们是谁? 我们是威尔和菲尔,是专业的摄影师和视频创作者。此外,我们还打造了一些在全球范围内广受欢迎的视频制作课程。我们拥有超过15万名学生和数千个五星好评。本课程同样也是好评如潮: 他们的讲解非常清晰易懂。老师们总是通过具体的例子来讲课,既有趣又易懂。对我来说,这门课的一切都是那么的恰到好处。我肯定会向其他人推荐这个课程! - John Tyler Hardin 基础知识涵盖全面,讲解简洁而又细致,非常专业! - Steven Farmer 很棒的课程。讲师知识渊博,内容清晰易懂。 - Pawan Babbar 无论你用的是哪种相机,无论你用的是数码单反相机、专业摄像机、GoPro还是iPhone,学习掌握好莱坞电影人专业拍摄技巧后,您都可以拍摄出精美的视频。 如果你想学习如何拍摄出精彩视频,并以此为职业,这门课程不容错过。 我们向你承诺: 我们会陪伴你走过课程学习的每一步。如果你有与课程有关的任何疑问,随时都可以在课程中发布问题或直接向我们发送信息。 我想让这个课程成为影视拍摄的最佳教程。所以,如果有任何方法可以改进这门课程,请务必告诉我。 我们有30天全额退款保证,为什么不试试学习这个课程呢? 快来加入我们吧!我们在第一课见! 菲尔&威尔...