Search result for Human rights Online Courses & Certifications
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Violence Against Healthcare
by Beat Stoll , Esperanza Martinez , Alexander Breitegger , Frederik Siem , Luigi Fratini , Bruce Eshaya-Chauvin- 4.6
Approx. 15 hours to complete
This course covers various topics such as ethics, rights and responsibilities of the staff of health and pre-hospital personnel, issues related to international law and humanitarian law, international human rights, caregivers and patient safety as well as the role of communities to address and reduce violence against health care....
Privacy in the Western World
by Jan Smits- 4.5
Approx. 7 hours to complete
) rights and freedoms. Addicted to fake news: violation of human dignity Rights for literary and artistic work International Cooperation and Human Rights UN Declaration of Human Rights Full text UN Declaration of Human Rights...
Global Muckraking: Investigative Journalism and Global Media
by Anya Schiffrin- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn how brave journalists can rock the world by exposing corruption and human rights and labor abuses....
Constitutional Reforms in Russia
by Sergei A. Belov- 0.0
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Human Rights in Russia Human Rights and Public Interests Personal Rights in Russia Political Rights and Political Participation Social Rights and Sozialstaat...
Basic Japanese Civil Law
by Hironao Kaneko- 0.0
7 Weeks
The course starts with the study of concepts that are common to many countries, such as sovereignty, constitution, separation of three rights, basic human rights and personal security....
Foundations of Ethical Decision-Making: Government and Political Issues
by John Kline- 0.0
8 Weeks
Apply rules-based and results-based approaches in relation to human rights scenarios. Analyze the role of corporate political involvement in balancing human rights with the recognition of host governments’ legitimacy....
Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in the World
by Dr Dan Plesch, SOAS University of London- 4.7
Approx. 12 hours to complete
What is the place of human rights in international politics? Human rights in international politics? Human rights in international politics? Human rights in international politics?...
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Derechos humanos: Los derechos de las personas refugiadas
by Amnistía Internacional- 0.0
3 Weeks
Actúa en favor de los derechos humanos. En este curso aprenderás sobre los derechos humanos de las personas refugiadas y te capacitarás para defenderlos. En todo el mundo se están levantando barreras. A diario, las personas que huyen de la guerra y la persecución ven cómo les cierran la puerta en las narices....
Droits humains: Les droits des réfugiés
by Amnesty International- 0.0
3 Weeks
Agissez pour les droits humains. Ce cours vous permettra d’acquérir des connaissances sur les droits humains des personnes réfugiées et vous donnera les moyens de défendre ces droits. Aux quatre coins du globe, des barrières se dressent. Chaque jour, des personnes fuyant la guerre et les persécutions voient les portes se fermer devant eux....
Cyberwar, Surveillance and Security
by Melissa de Zwart , Dale Stephens , Rebecca LaForgia- 0.0
6 Weeks
You will also grasp the looming consequences of this battle for peace, sovereignty, human rights and the internet itself....