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Aquaculture 4.0 - The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Aquaculture
by Deshan Kuruvita - Aratchy- 0.0
3.5 hours on-demand video
The first industrial revolution was powered by mechanization, water power and steam power. The second industrial revolution was powered by the mass production of products such as the famous Henry Ford's Model-T car, assembly lines and electricity. The third industrial revolution was powered by computerization and automation. Now, the fourth industrial revolution, known as 'Industry 4....
ePLAN Electric P8 Heavyweight Vol.1/2 - The Crash Course
by Ivan Vidovic (eplantutor)- 3.8
4 hours on-demand video
Eplan Electric P8 Crash Course A-Z, to get you going ASAP, while working on a real-life example of an automation system Typical industrial automation systems consist of many different segments. - analog input signals (in our case temperature measurement with transmitter in head of the instrument - typical industrial application)...
PLC & AC Drive with Automatic & Manual Industrial Control
by YouCan Academy- 4.6
19.5 hours on-demand video
this course will take newbies to a higher level to deal with complex PLC projects, Motor Drives ( VFD ) & Manual Control - Looking to enhance your career in Industrial Automation track ? 1 ) PLC in Automation Control >> learning different languages for programming your PLC like LADDER, FBD and STL....
Interfacing LabVIEW With Arduino via LINX
by Educational Engineering Team- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
>>> LabVIEW meets Arduino: Step by step guide is a course specially created for Electronic Geeks & Engineers who want to take Arduino Programming to next level. This course will work best for you if your basic knowledge of Electronics. Arduino can be used in your Engineering projects, Industrial Projects or Home Automation related projects....
Man vs Machines: Spot The Trends To Get Ahead
by Peter Alkema- 4
1 hour on-demand video
"This course was a perfect match for me. Learn from presidential hopeful Andrew Yang about why he is worried by the rise in automation and its impact on humans and the jobs we do The future of work and why presidential hopeful Andrew Yang is deeply worried about automation Cognitive computing, The 4th Industrial Revolution case studies and exponential growth...
The Complete PLC Programming Bootcamp
by Educational Engineering Team- 4.3
5 hours on-demand video
You should take this course because it will help you start your industrial carrier by building the right theoretical and practical industrial automation knowledge in the PLC field. You should take this course because it will help you start your industrial carrier by building the right theoretical and practical industrial automation knowledge in the PLC field....
Data Science : Complete Alteryx Bootcamp (Hands-on Alteryx)
by Ankit Mistry- 4.6
6 hours on-demand video
In 18th century, industrial revolution has completely changed the faces of industry and shows us the real power of automation. Welcome to the complete Bootcamp course on Alteryx. Alteryx is process automation and data science workflow design tool without need to worry about any coding part. What this course contains : This course Has following stuff :...
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IoT Internet of Things Crash Course
by Educational Engineering Team- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
The course lesson will explain “How to work on ESP32 Board” by using C Language and the famous Arduino IDE development environment. This course will work best for you if your basic knowledge of Electronics and Arduino. ESP32 can be used in your Engineering projects, Industrial Projects, or IoT Home Automation related projects....
Work and Employment for a Sustainable Future
by Jeffrey D. Sachs , Jeemol Unni , Martha Chen , Kailash Satyarthi- 0.0
6 Weeks
This course explores the past and future of work in the context of the SDGs, particularly SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. This seven-module massive open online course (MOOC) provides an in-depth look at the issues of inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all....
Work and Employment for a Sustainable Future
by Jeffrey D. Sachs , Jeemol Unni , Martha Chen , Kailash Satyarthi- 0.0
6 Weeks
This course explores the past and future of work in the context of the SDGs, particularly SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. This seven-module massive open online course (MOOC) provides an in-depth look at the issues of inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all....