Search result for Master of education Online Courses & Certifications
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Build 20 SpriteKit Games for iPhone using Xcode and Swift 3.
by John Bura- 4.4
23.5 hours on-demand video
People who can master technology will rule the future. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. I am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachers I show how to master technology through the use of video....
Build 20 SpriteKit Games for iPad using Xcode and Swift.
by John Bura- 4.5
23 hours on-demand video
At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. People who can master technology will rule the future. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. I show how to master technology through the use of video....
The Ultimate iOS 10, Xcode 8 Developer course. Build 30 apps
by Mammoth Interactive- 4.2
102.5 hours on-demand video
This course is the result of a very successful KickStarter! People who can master technology will rule the future. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. I show how to master technology through the use of video....
Complete Gaming Package: Learn To Code In Unity® And Unreal
by Mammoth Interactive- 3.9
54 hours on-demand video
People who can master technology will rule the future. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. I am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachers I show how to master technology through the use of video....
Learn to make an HTML 5 website with a video background
by John Bura- 4.5
30 mins on-demand video
At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. People who can master technology will rule the future. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. I show how to master technology through the use of video....
The Complete iOS9 Developer Course - Build 50 Swift Apps
by John Bura- 4.8
19 hours on-demand video
People who can master technology will rule the future. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. There is an online education revolution taking place. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. I show how to master technology through the use of video....
Introduction to High-Performance and Parallel Computing
by Shelley Knuth , Thomas Hauser- 3.4
Approx. 18 hours to complete
This course can be taken for academic credit as part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Data Science (MS-DS) degree offered on the Coursera platform. With performance-based admissions and no application process, the MS-DS is ideal for individuals with a broad range of undergraduate education and/or professional experience in computer science, information science, mathematics, and statistics....
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Composition for Beginning Abstract Painters
by Doris Charest- 4.2
1.5 hours on-demand video
I will guide you through different compositions that master artists use. At the end of the class you will have tried at least three or more of these compositional formats. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts , a Masters Degree in Art Education and many years of experience teaching....
Leadership: Foundational Training for First Time Managers
by LearnSmart LLC- 4.4
13.5 hours on-demand video
Be ready to transition into management and gain the skills of an effective leader for your team. Further, you will master the arts of successfully facilitating meetings, appraising performance, providing feedback and resolving conflicts within your team and organization. This course is a bundle of the following LearnSmart courses, and includes comprehensive information for the following topics:...
PrEParing: PrEP for Providers and Patients
by Dr. Jason Farley, PhD, MPH, CRNP- 4.7
Approx. 16 hours to complete
Explain key aspects of patient education for HIV prevention and sexual health DISCLOSURE: In compliance with continuing education requirements, all presenters must disclose any financial or other associations with the manufacturers of commercial products, suppliers of commercial services, or commercial supporters as well as any use of unlabeled product(s) or product(s) under investigational use....