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Complete C# Masterclass
by Denis Panjuta- 4.5
37 hours on-demand video
You start off by learning the C# basics and C# programming concepts in general: So I have added a whole bunch of chapters specifically designed for a C# developer and Unity game developer - arguably the best Game Engine in the world. I have a Bachelor of Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Constance (Germany)....
Ultimate Neural Nets and Deep Learning Masterclass in Python
by John Harper- 3.8
6.5 hours on-demand video
I don't just throw you in at the deep end - I provide you with the resources to learn and develop what you need at a pace to work for you and then help you stroll through to the finish line. Studies have shown that to learn effectively from online courses tutorials should last around ten minutes each....
Signature Analysis - Beginner to Advance
by Paresh P Chitnis- 3.5
1.5 hours on-demand video
signature analysis in pune signature analysis in bist signature analysis courses in mumbai signature analysis in computer forensics is based on signature analysis in condition monitoring signature analysis in hindi pdf signature analysis in tamil signature analysis mechanical vibration signature analysis personality in hindi signature analysis tips in hindi...
Microsoft Excel Logic Theory and If Functions (Intermediate)
by Jed Guinto- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2nd as the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. This is because we live in the digital age, meaning employers are looking for proficient data handlers who process data faster, are more data-organised and can communicate effectively via digital channels. It makes you more adaptable and more valuable in the long-term....
The Easiest Beginners Guide to Microsoft Excel
by Jed Guinto- 4.7
3.5 hours on-demand video
6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2nd as the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. This is because we live in the digital age, meaning employers are looking for proficient data handlers who process data faster, are more data-organised and can communicate effectively via digital channels. It makes you more adaptable and more valuable in the long-term....
MS Outlook Training for Complete Beginners - 2 Minute Videos
by Jed Guinto- 0.0
30 mins on-demand video
Learn all the basics of getting started with Microsoft Outlook in UNDER AN HOUR with ZERO PRIOR EXPERIENCE! 6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2nd as the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. It makes you more adaptable and more valuable in the long-term. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN THIS COURSE...
Microsoft Excel Formula Design for Beginners
by Jed Guinto- 0.0
35 mins on-demand video
6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2nd as the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. This is because we live in the digital age, meaning employers are looking for proficient data handlers who process data faster, are more data-organised and can communicate effectively via digital channels. It makes you more adaptable and more valuable in the long-term....
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MS Excel Data Cross Referencing using VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP
by Jed Guinto- 4.2
34 mins on-demand video
6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2nd as the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. This is because we live in the digital age, meaning employers are looking for proficient data handlers who process data faster, are more data-organised and can communicate effectively via digital channels. It makes you more adaptable and more valuable in the long-term....
Analyze Huge Data with Ease Using Microsoft Excel Filters!
by Jed Guinto- 4.6
1 hour on-demand video
6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2nd as the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. This is because we live in the digital age, meaning employers are looking for proficient data handlers who process data faster, are more data-organised and can communicate effectively via digital channels. It makes you more adaptable and more valuable in the long-term....
Intermediate Microsoft Excel Using Conditional Formatting
by Jed Guinto- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2nd as the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. This is because we live in the digital age, meaning employers are looking for proficient data handlers who process data faster, are more data-organised and can communicate effectively via digital channels. It makes you more adaptable and more valuable in the long-term....