Search result for Ventilator training and certification Online Courses & Certifications
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Crystal Master Certification
by Joey Wargachuk- 4.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
Learn How Crystals can improve your Chakras, Life and Business Energetically We will look at some of the top 50 crystals by Chakra and crystal structure and what properties they have and how we can energetically use them. Crystals by Color and Shape Easy and Simple ways to clear and charge crystals...
The Journey Training
by Sadie Nardini- 4.6
18.5 hours on-demand video
You won't find the information contained in the Journey Training anywhere else, and yet it is the foundation of any powerful next-generation yoga teacher. Found you online started studying with you and BOOM! Now I have a studio that is doing awesome and I even have just started my first 200hr teacher training program in Northern Ontario....
Train the Trainer Virtual: Virtual Training Master Class
by Jason Teteak- 4.4
7 hours on-demand video
Lead Effective Online, Virtual Training Sessions that Create Excitement, Motivation, Attention and Retention. But in the spirit of “open sourcing” our business (which is what Rule the Room is all about) we’re now making this certification and training available to the world. This training is different, and the class will reflect those differences....
6 Mindfulness Positive Psychology Coach Certificate [6 of 9]
by Braco Pobric- 4.7
3 hours on-demand video
This course is accredited by the internationally recognized CPD Accreditation Group (Provider No: 777313) and upon completion of this course, you will receive an official Accredited Certificate from Life Success Academy. I am a Workshop Creator and Want to Facilitator Mindfulness Training And at the end of the Mindfulness Practitioner Certification (MPC) (Included here) you will be able to: ...
Emotional Intelligence Life Coach Certification (Accredited)
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.7
7.5 hours on-demand video
Emotional Intelligence: Help life coaching clients master emotions, reduce stress, and develop emotional intelligence And that’s why we created this course! This complete Emotional Intelligence life coach certification and training program gives you a blueprint for helping your clients develop emotional intelligence, both INTRApersonal intelligence, or understanding of your own emotions, and INTERpersonal intelligence, or understanding of others’ emotions....
Leadership: Foundational Training for First Time Managers
by LearnSmart LLC- 4.4
13.5 hours on-demand video
Be ready to transition into management and gain the skills of an effective leader for your team. Further, you will master the arts of successfully facilitating meetings, appraising performance, providing feedback and resolving conflicts within your team and organization. This course is a bundle of the following LearnSmart courses, and includes comprehensive information for the following topics:...
Leadership: New Manager Training for Technical Professionals
by LearnSmart LLC- 4.2
5.5 hours on-demand video
Learn to establish yourself as a manager and lead your technical team to success. At the end of this course, you will be able to confidently lead and guide a team of technical professionals through day-to-day operations, interpersonal challenges and crisis situations. This course is a bundle of the following LearnSmart courses, and includes comprehensive information for the following topics:...
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Designing Project Information Hubs for Program and Project Performance
by Bill Brantley- 0.0
4 Weeks
First, they must empower their project managers with skills, processes, and assets for information management. And this challenge is even greater for agilists, like certified scrum masters (CSMs) and PMI-ACP holders. In this program and project management training course, you will learn effective and efficient project management tools to receive and transmit program and project-level information....
Information Security Foundation Certificate Practice Tests
by Michael Borgers- 0.0
These practice tests prepare you for the Information Security Foundation Exam with 300 test questions and detailed explanations. The first 5 tests have 40 questions and test number 6 contains 100 additional training questions. Threats and risks Approach and organization Legislation and regulations Risk and Incident Management Hacking… and many more Take action now, buy these tests and advance your career...
Kettlebell Sport for Beginners
by Taco Fleur- 4.9
3 hours on-demand video
Learn one of the most awesome disciplines in kettlebell sport and get super fit The kettlebell clean and jerk and its training methods will provide you with cardiovascular and muscular endurance, it is good for weight loss, and it's also good for increasing your mental toughness. Come and join me....