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SAP S/4HANA for Management Accounting C_TS4CO_1909 Practice
by MMD Trainings- 0.0
It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam....
Practical Java : Spring Boot REST API with Elasticsearch
by Timotius Pamungkas- 5
8.5 hours on-demand video
This course is suitable for you, if you already write codes (especially Java) for some times, and want to know new things, that relevant to today's job demand. You will get introduction and practical lesson how to using them during your journey as Java developer. As the title says, we will learn practical things about Java, especially Spring Framework....
Node JS: Advanced Concepts
by Stephen Grider- 4.7
16 hours on-demand video
Plentiful discussions are included on security concerns with handling uploads, as well. We'll first learn how to test huge swaths of our codebase with just a few lines of code by using Puppeteer and Jest....
Learn to Build WebVR applications by doing real projects
by Tutorials For VR- 3.1
1 hour on-demand video
And as a bonus, you can download all the source code and use it in your personal and commercial applications. So you can get to building WebVR applications as quickly as possible. And you'll be able to download the source code for all projects and use it for personal and commercial projects!...
Backbone Tutorial: Learn Backbonejs from Scratch
by Mosh Hamedani- 4.4
5 hours on-demand video
The before and after source code for each lecture is available for you to download to review or to complete on your own. I'll show you many real-world examples Throughout the course I touch on some popular web sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Four Square and Bitly and explain how you can make something like them with Backbone....
C# Basics for Beginners - Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding
by Tod Vachev- 4.2
13 hours on-demand video
In a digitalized world, such as the one we live in, not knowing how to code will put you at a disadvantage. Regardless of what your goal is, wether its to find a job as a developer or not, knowing a little bit of coding can be really handy from time to time....
C#: Coding for Beginners. A Hands-on Approach to Learning
by Efrain Mendez- 0.0
6 hours on-demand video
You will learn how to write clean code that is formatted in an easy-to-read way. Positive job outlook, opportunity to be creative and learn a highly desirable skill. Along with that I was taught in this course how to research on your own to resolve problems you might encounter later on as a coder....
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Dynamic Programming Ruby, Coding Interviews and Applications
by James Cutajar- 4.6
4.5 hours on-demand video
As a developer comprehending data structures and algorithms you’ll be better equipped to tackle some of the more difficult problems both in your day-to-day job and for coding interviews. All code in this course can be found on github, username/project: cutajarj/DynamicProgrammingInRuby...
Firebase Firestore for iOS
by Devslopes by Mark Wahlbeck- 4.6
6 hours on-demand video
In this course you're going to learn to code the Devslopes way. People who want to build advanced iOS apps!Those who want to create their own startupThose looking to get a full time job as a developerBusiness ownersStudents & teenagersPeople who want to make money building apps...
Firebase Firestore for Android
by Devslopes by Mark Wahlbeck- 4.4
5.5 hours on-demand video
In this course you're going to learn to code the Devslopes way. People who want to build advanced Android apps!Those who want to create their own startupThose looking to get a full time job as a developerBusiness ownersStudents & teenagersPeople who want to make money building apps...