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Power BI Desktop Masterclass - Data Analysis for Everyone
by Paula Guilfoyle CPA & MVP- 4.1
3 hours on-demand video
Master Power BI Desktop- Get, Transform, Model and visualize data like never before - Self Service Business Intelligence LEARN TO GATHER DATA, TRANSFORM DATA AND MODEL DATA BEFORE YOU CREATE VISUALIZATIONS TO EXPLAIN THE DATA AND SHARE VALUABLE INSIGHTS WITH YOUR ORGANISATION. In section 2 of this course we will look at getting data from multiple sources, both internal and external....
Regression Analysis for Statistics & Machine Learning in R
by Minerva Singh- 4.2
7.5 hours on-demand video
Install these on your system, learn to load packages and read in different types of data in RCarry out data cleaning and data visualization using RImplement ordinary least square (OLS) regression in R and learn how to interpret the results. Become a Regression Analysis Pro and Apply Your Knowledge on Real-Life Data...
Learn By Example: Statistics and Data Science in R
by Loony Corn- 3.8
9 hours on-demand video
A gentle yet thorough introduction to Data Science, Statistics and R using real life examples Data Science, Statistics and R: This course is an introduction to Data Science and Statistics using the R programming language. Data Visualization in R: Line plot, Scatter plot, Bar plot, Histogram, Scatterplot matrix, Heat map, Packages for Data Visualisation : Rcolorbrewer, ggplot2...
Data Structures & Algorithms II: Binary Trees, Heaps, SkipLists and HashMaps
by Mary Hudachek-Buswell- 0.0
5 Weeks
Become familiar with nonlinear and hierarchical data structures. You will explore the hierarchical data structure of trees. Heaps approach access differently and prioritize what data is accessed. HashMaps and SkipLists are the last data structures discussed in the course. SkipLists are a probabilistic data structures where data is placed in the structure based on a randomization procedure....
R Programming
by Sai Acuity Institute of Learning Pvt Ltd Enabling Learning Through Insight!- 0.0
8.5 hours on-demand video
R for Data Science Data science is an exciting discipline that allows you to turn raw data into understanding, insight, and knowledge. First, you must import your data into R. Once you have tidy data with the variables you need, there are two main engines of knowledge generation: visualization and modelling....
Python for Financial Analysis and Algorithmic Trading
by Jose Portilla- 4.5
16.5 hours on-demand video
Use NumPy to quickly work with Numerical Data Use Pandas for Analyze and Visualize Data Use ARIMA models on Time Series Data...
Statistics for Data Analysis Using Excel 2016
by Sandeep Kumar - 4.7
14.5 hours on-demand video
Start loving data and making sense of it. This course is about Statistics and Data Analysis. The course will teach you the basic concepts related to Statistics and Data Analysis, and help you in applying these concepts. Data Visualization - 3 commonly used charts: Histogram, Box and Whisker Plot and Scatter PlotProbability - Basic Concepts, Permutations, CombinationsPopulation and Sampling...
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Develop a Profitable Stock Trading Strategy with R
by The Trading Whisperer- 3.6
2.5 hours on-demand video
Learn how to code a profitable stock trading strategy in R and backtest it on historical stock market data Learn how to use the quantmod package to access/load free market data from yahoo finance and other sources. Load the data in R and do data preparation and visualization....
Data Analysis with MATLAB for Excel Users
by Nouman Azam- 3.2
2 hours on-demand video
MATLAB tutorial for Importing, Analyzing and sharing your results of data analysis from excel files. You should be able to create your own templates for data visualization and data analysis. You should be able to work with data preprocessing using MALTAB. You will able to create reports based on your data analysis....
Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer: Get Certified 2021
by Dan Sullivan- 4.4
6 hours on-demand video
Build scalable, reliable data pipelines, databases, and machine learning applications. Data engineers have a wide range of skills including the ability to design systems to ingest large volumes of data, store data cost-effectively, and efficiently process and analyze data with tools ranging from reporting and visualization to machine learning....