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Data Science : Master Machine Learning Without Coding
by Ram Prasad- 4.1
2.5 hours on-demand video
Glassdoor reports that Data Scientist was named the “Best Job in America for 2016,” which was based on the huge amount of career opportunities and 6-figure average salary. The sudden increase in demand for Data Scientists has created an incredible skills gap in the job market. As a result, it’s much easier and faster to learn! ...
React Next.js Node API AWS - Build Scaling MERN Stack App
by Ryan Dhungel- 4.5
25 hours on-demand video
Keep the cost as low as possible by using AWS services for storage, email and hosting. So we as a developer don't have to worry. Keep the frontend as simple as possible Learn to use Mongo Atlas as a Managed Database in the Cloud Learn to Write Clean Code with Easy to Maintain App Architecture...
Become a Professional Graphic Designer
by Stone River eLearning- 4.4
20.5 hours on-demand video
Making that technology as user-friendly as possible is vital, and graphic design is one of the most important elements of this. Adobe Dreamweaver: Design and develop beautiful websites with ease, complete with both a design view and code editor so you can see changes you make on all sides in real time....
Swift 3 - Master Swift Development From Scratch
by Nikant Vohra- 4.5
6.5 hours on-demand video
Nikant does an outstanding job teaching this course. Swift is being hailed as the future of iOS, Mac and server side development. The language offers the performance of the compiled languages like C, C++ along with the expressiveness of a scripting language like Python, Ruby which makes it a fun language to learn for beginners as well as experienced programmers....
Docker - Introducing Docker Essentials, Containers, and more
by David Joseph Katz- 4.3
6 hours on-demand video
These kind of engineers hold a high value in the job market, and average higher salaries than software engineers. As a project-based course, you will become familiar with the main Docker commands as you build various applications with containers and images....
ElasticSearch, LogStash, Kibana ELK #3 - Learn Kibana
by TetraNoodle Team- 4.6
2.5 hours on-demand video
The latest stats and figures show some incredible numbers like jobs requiring these skill sets pay higher than most of the jobs posted on public job boards within the US and annual salaries for professionals could be as high as $100,000....
Technical Writing: How to Write Using DITA XML
by JPDocu School of Technical Writing- 3.7
7 hours on-demand video
The software products I have worked on are in the field of security, messaging services, and development infrastructure (such as GitHub and SAP NWDI). - Produce as many different output formats as your customer needs - all from the same content If you are looking for a job as a technical writer in a software development company - check 2 things:...
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The Modern GraphQL Bootcamp (with Node.js and Apollo)
by Andrew Mead- 4.5
23.5 hours on-demand video
In this class, you’ll learn how to use GraphQL to replace the standard Express HTTP API, as well as support features like authentication, real-time applications, and more. Learn GraphQL by Writing Code This course was designed to be interactive, with more than 80 challenges along the way to get you writing code and solving problems on your own....
Naked C#: A Beginner's Guide to Coding
by Penny de Byl- 4.4
8 hours on-demand video
At the end of this course you will be equipped with a toolbox of skills that you can apply in your job and day-to-day life, making you more employable and relevant in today's marketplace. Now I'm finding it extremely fun to learn and I've been doing the course and watching the videos as if it were a Netflix series....
Docker for Developers, Dockerize React, Node, Mongo and more
by Icaro Lavrador- 4.4
7 hours on-demand video
Build apps are not as simples as it uses to be. We will code together line by line, and I'll even show how to set up your environment like mine. We will build a more advance app by each class, adding new container as need and learn new ways to make our job more comfortable as we go....