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Text Mining, Scraping and Sentiment Analysis with R
by R-Tutorials Training- 3.9
2.5 hours on-demand video
Learn how to use Twitter social media data for your R text mining work. We will use Twitter data as our example dataset. You will learn how to scrape social media (Twitter) data and get it into your R session. The next step is the visualization of the text data via wordclouds and dendrograms....
Data Science and Machine Learning using Python - A Bootcamp
by Dr. Junaid Qazi, PhD- 4.4
25 hours on-demand video
Numpy Pandas Matplotlib Seaborn Ploty Machine Learning Scikit-Learn Data Science Recommender system NLP Theory Hands-on Data Science Bootcamps are costly, in thousands of dollars. Pandas Data Structures - Series, DataFrame, Hierarchical Indexing, Handling Missing Data, Data Wrangling - Combining, merging, joining, Groupby, Other Useful Methods and Operations, Pandas Built-in Data Visualization...
Learn to Code in Python 3: Programming beginner to advanced
by Ivan Lourenço Gomes- 4.6
5.5 hours on-demand video
We will also cover a little bit of Data Visualization, Statistics and Machine Learning in Python....
Engagement & Nurture Marketing Strategies
by Randy Hlavac- 4.8
Approx. 9 hours to complete
* Randy Krum (Data Visualization & Infographics Designer | Consultant | Author | Speaker | President, InfoNewt) 1 - Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design...
Mastering Software Development in R Capstone
by Roger D. Peng, PhD , Brooke Anderson- 4
Approx. 3 hours to complete
Obtain and Clean the Data Module 1: Obtain and Clean the Data Module 2: Visualization Tools...
Spatial Data Science and Applications
by Joon Heo- 4.4
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Consequently, they are bound to hire more and more spatial data scientists. 1 Introduction to Spatial Data Science (III) - A Data Perspective Understanding Spatial Data Science Solution Structures of Spatial Data Science Problems Four Disciplines for Spatial Data Science and Applications Spatial Data Science Problems Spatial Data vs. Spatial Big Data...
5 Exams- Power BI DA100 70-778 Analyzing & Visualizing 2020
by Muhammad Omer- 0.0
Welcome To The Best Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Microsoft Power BI Certification practice Exams. Skills measuredConsuming and Transforming Data by Using Power BI Desktop · Connect to data sources. ·May include: Design and implement basic and advanced transformations; apply business rules; change the data format to support visualization ·May include: Manage incomplete data; meet data quality requirements...
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Become QlikView Designer from Scratch
by Shilpan Patel- 3.9
5.5 hours on-demand video
Learn step-by-step to create a QlikView application with visualization best practices You wanted to learn how to create a QlikView application that can tell story effectively using data visualization best practices...
Microsoft Excel Dashboard Infographics Masterclass Volume 1
by Suhas Dakhole- 0.0
6 hours on-demand video
Are you Excited to explore the power of Microsoft Excel to create beautiful Visual and dynamic Infographics to make your Dashboards look smarter and be appreciated for your data Visualization Skills? Infographics are graphic visual representations of Information, data or Knowledge to present information quickly and clearly. People are naturally drawn towards graphical elements which includes facts, stats, data and figures....
Excel with Interactive Excel Dashboards
by Mynda Treacy- 0.0
12.5 hours on-demand video
Advanced Features Design and Display Principles Interactive Controls Analyzing Data Automating your Dashboard so it updates in seconds Impressive Content that Will Provide Insight, Analysis and Alerts Dashboards are fully interactive and dynamic and can help with project management, customer service, retail management, financial forecasting and much more....