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Become a Calculus 2 Master
by Krista King- 4.6
30 hours on-demand video
HOW BECOME A CALCULUS 2 MASTER IS SET UP TO MAKE COMPLICATED MATH EASY: I explain the problem setup and why I set it up that way, the steps I take and why I take them, how to work through the yucky, fuzzy middle parts, and how to simplify the answer when you get it....
CS101 Bootcamp: Introduction to Computer Science & Software
by Samuel Spencer- 3.8
2.5 hours on-demand video
If you've used a smartphone or computer in the past, that will be sufficient for you to take this 2-hour course, and explore the basics of Computer Science and software programming, as well as up-to-date topics and the latest technology trends in Computer Science. If you are an absolute beginner to Computer Science, you will enjoy this course because:...
Bootstrap 3 Introduction : Create RESPONSIVE Websites Fast
by Edwin Diaz- 4.3
2.5 hours on-demand video
Bootstrap makes it easy to add responsiveness to website and apps. For new developers who want to start the right path with web development For professionals developers who need to update their skills For anybody with basic HTML and CSS who wants to make their sites responsive What will you learn?...
From Puppy To Dog Training
by Berry Van Loenen- 4.6
6 hours on-demand video
The Complete Dog Obedience Training Course To A Fantastic Life With Your Dog. Just like with children you can teach them how to take their first steps or tie their shoes, but without proper foundational training your child will still misbehave, not listen and even disrespect you. 5 Crucial things to consider before getting a dog or puppy....
Website Design With HTML, CSS And JavaScript For Beginners
by Emenwa Global- 3.9
16 hours on-demand video
They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience....
Financial Modeling and Valuation: Complete Beginner to Pro
by iBanking Training- 3.7
5 hours on-demand video
The Most Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Financial Models from Scratch - From Complete Beginner to Pro Learn to Excel at Financial Modeling & Take Your Career to the Next Level! The 3 Top Valuation MethodsWhen to Use Different Valuation MethodsDifference Between Book & Market ValueEquity Value Versus Total Enterprise ValueHow to Use Trading MultiplesHow to Become a Valuation Expert...
Python Mega Course : Go Beginner to Expert in Python3
by Funky Programmer- 4.2
11 hours on-demand video
Python Programming Beginner to Advanced. Take this course and learn everything that you need to learn in python. Please feel free to explore the curriculum and watch some of the free preview videos! Learn to use udemy python professionally, learning both Python2 and Python3! Learn advanced features, like the collections module and how to work with Pymongo!...
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Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Training For Beginners
by Paul Hill- 4.5
2.5 hours on-demand video
I have decided to take the experience that I have gained while on the job and share it with you in this course! The ideal student for this course is anyone who wants to learn how to deploy and administrate a WSUS server, or anyone who wants to get a promotion or an IT job....
Create Arrays in Python NumPy - Learn Scientific Computing!
by Mammoth Interactive- 3.9
22 hours on-demand video
Complete beginner's bootcamp for learning to code from scratch in Python! +Array calculations, functions, statistics. We make an additional Blackjack game! You learn how to solve errors that can occur when you work as a programmer. In Part 2, you take your Python knowledge and apply it to NumPy. You learn to create and shape NumPy and 2D arrays....
Learn to Program with Java for Complete Beginners - Part 1
by Learn by the Byte- 4.7
7.5 hours on-demand video
For absolute beginners, this professional training course will teach you how to create programs from scratch using Java. He has taught over 375 classes to programmers from companies like Hewlett-Packard, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Walt Disney. If you are reading this and looking for a good Java course to start, trust me take this course right now....