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Using Machine Learning to Combat Money Laundering
by Riskpro Learning- 4.1
34 mins on-demand video
Applying ML in AML Understand the basics of the money laundering and applying the advanced technologies in combating the peril of money laundering. Understand the possible used cases of Robotics Process Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing in enhancing the value of the compliance function by innovating methods to improve KYC process, customer screening and due diligence etc....
Applied Machine Learning with Python (Trading) - 2020
by The Trading Whisperer- 2.5
4.5 hours on-demand video
Learn how to use machine learning such as random forest and SVMs to develop quantitative trading strategies in Python The course is designed to fully immerse you into the complete quantitative trading/finance workflow, going from hypothesis generation to data preparation, feature engineering and training testing of multiple machine learning algorithms (backtesting)....
Bitcoin Trading Using Machine Learning with R
by The Trading Whisperer- 4
2.5 hours on-demand video
Learn to combine unsupervised machine learning and technical analysis to develop reliable trading algorithms using R. These strategies make use of data analytics and machine learning. Unsupervised machine learning All content, teaching material and codes are presented with sharing and learning purpose and with no guarantee of exactness or completeness....
AWS Machine Learning - Specialty Practice Exam 2020!
by Demissew Kessela- 0.0
Prepare well for your AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty certification by taking this practice exam! Realistic practice exam based on the most recent AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty exam. Machine Learning Implementation and Operations. supervised machine learning ( Classification and Regression Algorithms) unsupervised machine learning ( K-Means clustering, PCA) Hyperparameter tuning ( supervised machine learning, deep learning)...
Using Machine Learning in Trading and Finance
by Jack Farmer , Ram Seshadri- 4
Approx. 19 hours to complete
This course provides the foundation for developing advanced trading strategies using machine learning techniques. Welcome to Using Machine Learning in Trading and Finance Selecting a Machine Learning Algorithm Use Keras and Tensorflow to build machine learning models...
Managing Machine Learning Projects with Google Cloud
by Google Cloud Training- 4.6
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Business professionals in non-technical roles have a unique opportunity to lead or influence machine learning projects. If you have questions about machine learning and want to understand how to use it, without the technical jargon, this course is for you. Learn how to translate business problems into machine learning use cases and vet them for feasibility and impact....
How Google does Machine Learning en Español
by Google Cloud Training- 4.6
Approx. 8 hours to complete
¿Qué es el aprendizaje automático y qué tipos de problemas puede solucionar? Google concibe el aprendizaje automático de una forma algo diferente: considera que se trata no solo de datos, sino también de lógica. Hablaremos de por qué es útil para los científicos de datos concebirlo así cuando piensan en compilar una canalización de modelos de aprendizaje automático....
Launching into Machine Learning em Português Brasileiro
by Google Cloud Training- 4.5
Approx. 7 hours to complete
Discutiremos por que hoje as redes neurais funcionam tão bem para lidar com vários problemas, começando pela história do aprendizado de máquina. Em seguida, falaremos sobre como configurar um problema de aprendizado supervisionado e encontrar uma boa solução com gradiente descendente. Isso envolve a criação de conjuntos de dados que permitem a generalização....
Spark Machine Learning Project (House Sale Price Prediction)
by Bigdata Engineer- 4.1
1 hour on-demand video
Spark Machine Learning Project (House Sale Price Prediction) for beginner using Databricks Notebook (Unofficial) Spark Machine Learning Project (House Sale Price Prediction) for beginners using Databricks Notebook (Unofficial) (Community edition Server) In this Data science Machine Learning project, we will predict the sales prices in the Housing data set using LinearRegression one of the predictive models....
Complete Python Machine Learning & Data Science for Dummies
by Abhilash Nelson- 4.1
10.5 hours on-demand video
Machine Learning and Data Science for programming beginners using python with scikit-learn, SciPy, Matplotlib & Pandas Hello and welcome to my new course, Machine Learning with Python for Dummies. This process is highly compared to a Machine Learning Mechanism Machine Learning and Data Science is the most lucrative job in the technology arena now a days....