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Colored Pencils Art Class
by Benjamin Aeilkema- 4.1
15 hours on-demand video
Gain a whole new perspective on the way you color with easy to pick up colored pencil drawing and coloring techniques We’ll work on topics like: the basics, blending, gradients, depth, quick light and shadows, and more Gain a whole new perspective on the way you color! The skill level advancing assignments are all truly focused on helping you grow....
Data Science for Professionals
by Gregory Sward- 4.3
6.5 hours on-demand video
Participants will have also gained a perspective on the modern data science landscape and how they can use R not only to better analyze data, but also to better manage projects, create interactive presentations, and collaborate with other teams. The reason is that the math behind most machine learning algorithms merits a course entirely on its own....
Re-imaging God in Korean Context
by Soo-Young Kwon- 4.8
Approx. 8 hours to complete
This course will be an overview of a development of the theological methods in relation to Korea’s cultural context. Completing the course, the learners can understand cultural influences on the dynamic development of Korean churches and indigenous theology; they can also gain an insight into their own image of God and theological imagination in their own cultural context....
Corporate finance: Know your numbers 2
by Keith Woodward , David Pitt- 3.6
Approx. 21 hours to complete
This course will emphasise how crucial sound financial management is for you and your organisation to be successful in the real-world. 2 The funding decision 3 The working capital decision 4 The Payout Policy Decision and the Principal-Agent Problem 1 The Residual Income model 5 Estimating the IRR of a private equity funded business DEGREE...
Life, Health and Radiation
by Mark McEntee , Ernest Ekpo- 4.8
Approx. 13 hours to complete
Yet the word has become synonymous with danger, death and disaster. This MOOC will allow the world to see radiation in a new light, to expose its benefits as well as its risks. What are the uses of this radiation and What are the risks associated with it? The wonderful world of radio waves...
by Gabriel M. Leung (HKU) , Joseph T. Wu (HKU) , Kwok-Yung Yuen (HKU) , Tommy Lam (HKU) , Maria Huachen Zhu (HKU) , Guan Yi (HKU) , Benjamin Cowling (HKU) , Thomas Abraham (HKU) , Mark Jit (LSHTM) , Malik Peiris (HKU) , Marc Lipsitch (Harvard)- 4.9
Approx. 47 hours to complete
Panel discussions involving leading public health experts with deep frontline experiences to share their views on risk communication, crisis management, ethics and public trust in the context of infectious disease control. In addition to the original introductory sessions on epidemics, we revamped the course by adding: 4: Proof of association & causation: Is SARS coronavirus really the cause of SARS?...
Genomics: Decoding the Universal Language of Life
by Dr. Gene E. Robinson- 4.6
Approx. 36 hours to complete
A genome contains all of the information that a cell needs to develop, function, and reproduce itself, and all the information needed for those cells to come together to form a person, plant, or animal. - Mark Band, Director of the Functional Genomics Facility The Dynamic Genome The Proper Study of Humankind...
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Pricing Strategy
by Martin Boehm- 4.6
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Learn and practice concepts, techniques, and get to grips with the latest thinking on assessing and formulating pricing strategies. This course has an additional focus on pricing dynamics and the reaction to and by competitors, taking a highly pragmatic approach and one that is directly applicable to your day-to-day professional life. Practice Quiz on the Importance of Pricing...
Rethinking International Tax Law
by Prof. Dr. Sjoerd Douma- 4.8
Approx. 45 hours to complete
In recent years, the international tax planning strategies of multinationals have become a source of – often heated – debate. Meet the instructor & his team ! Resources: Media on the international tax planning debate Advanced track - Draft Commission notice on the notion of state aid Introduction on tax planning & ethical dimensions...
Healthcare Innovation: What Does Success Look Like and How to Achieve It?
by Dr Matthew Harris- 4.7
Approx. 21 hours to complete
This course focuses on the factors involved in the adoption of innovation - features, organizations, country of origin, cognitive, normative and affective aspects, change agents. As started in the second course of this specialisation, Healthcare Entrepreneurship: Taking Ideas to Market, you'll revisit the skill of pitching, exploring why and how to adapt pitches depending on your audience....