Search result for Master of science in computational science Online Courses & Certifications
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JavaScript for Kids: Code Your Own Games and Apps Age 8 & Up
by Bryson Payne- 4.6
6.5 hours on-demand video
Learn coding step-by-step from Computer Science Professor Dr. Quickly master new problem-solving skills in JavaScript with colorful, fun examples This is the kind of course you can enjoy with your kids! Over 40 video lectures and six hours of content in short, 2-to-8-minute videos will give you the practice you need to master the powerful new skill of coding....
Master Automation with Ansible and Puppet: 4-in-1
by Packt Publishing- 4.3
22.5 hours on-demand video
Finally, you will master troubleshooting, validating, and testing with Ansible. Most of his work has centered around Linux and Unix system administration, web security, and software development in Python, Ruby, Javascript, and Go. James Spurin is an IT professional with over 15 years working in a variety of technology fields including internet technologies, automation, software development, storage, and Unix administration....
The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced
by Mosh Hamedani- 4.4
29.5 hours on-demand video
This application exhibits patterns that you see in a lot of real-world applications: "I am amazed of how dedicated you are in providing updates and more contents to this course. Also I have viewed 3 of his courses in Pluralsight. He has a Master of Science in Network Systems and Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering....
Music Production Fundamentals: Make Trap Beats That BANG
by Kia Orion- 3.3
4 hours on-demand video
Learn the fundamentals of music production to make dope trap beats It took me hundreds (if not thousands) of beats to finally figure out what was missing in my production. It took me years of trial-and-error, wasting time trying to learn concepts I thought I needed only to end up months later in the same spot....
Python Learn by Python Projects & Python Quizzes in 2021
by Tamer Ahmed- 3.8
7 hours on-demand video
Python Programming course & full Guide for Python Programmers & Python Coders in a simple and easy way with Python Examples, Python quizzes, Resources & Nine Python Real Wold Projects in Python Games, Python OOP , Python Data Analysis, Python Database & Python Scripting to master Python 3 from zero to hero in this course....
Introduction to Artificial Neural Network and Deep Learning
by Prof. Seyedali- 4.5
7 hours on-demand video
The Best Machine Learning Techniques for Data Science in Java and Neuroph with Application in Image Recognition In the first three parts of this course, you master how a single neuron works (e. The main model here is a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), which is the most well-regarded Neural Networks in both science and industry....
The Complete Drawing Masterclass: From Beginner to Advanced
by Chad Neuman, Ph.D.- 4.4
19 hours on-demand video
The sections in this drawing course build upon each other, to help you master the art of drawing: Art and Science of Drawing Portraits - You will learn about the anatomy and structure of the eye and mouth before learning how to accurately draw them, either from imagination or from a subject....
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Learn Traditional Japanese Reiki –1st Degree Beginner/Shoden
by Joanna Bardol- 4.7
3 hours on-demand video
The Chakra system, the roadmap of subtle energy pathways in the body. Using the teachings of traditional Japanese Reiki, and my practice as a Reiki Master Teacher, or Shihan, I’ve developed this course with the intention of teaching and empowering you to live life fully, through a deep understanding, and practical application of this amazing soul energy....
Happiness Life Coach Certification (Accredited)
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.5
5.5 hours on-demand video
The best part is that happiness does not happen by accident there is a science to it—a science that we have shared with our clients in over a decade as life coaches and life coach trainers. THIS COURSE IS PART OF OUR MASTER COACH CERTIFICATION (ALONG WITH OUR LIFE PURPOSE COACH, GOAL/SUCCESS COACH, AND PROFESSIONAL LIFE COACH CERTIFICATIONS)....
Bank Reconciliations & Cash Internal Controls
by Robert (Bob) Steele- 4.5
9.5 hours on-demand video
The bank reconciliation will compare the bank statement to the cash book balance as of a point in time and reconcile the difference between the two. • Master of Science in Taxation As a CPS and professor, the instructor has taught many accounting classes and worked with many students in the fields of accounting, business, and business applications....