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Mystic Egyptian Initiation
by Karen Prieto- 0.0
2.5 hours on-demand video
With PDF, 432hz activation meditations & Certification In ancient Egypt, spiritual initiation was taken in the temples. Every temple in Egypt reflects an aspect in the human being and contains a secret code that when is rescued, the initiated can access transcendental information that is carefully guarded in each temple....
Essentials of Genomics and Biomedical Informatics
by Ron Unger , Ronen Tal-Botzer- 0.0
12 Weeks
This course presents clinicians and digital health enthusiasts with an overview of the data revolution in medicine and how to exploit it for research and in the clinic. The course will not make you a bioinformatician but will introduce the main concepts, tools, algorithms, and databases in this field. Three innovations are driving the data revolution in medicine....
Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life
by Eric S. Lander , Michelle Mischke , Graham Walker , Brian White- 0.0
16 Weeks
00x: Introduction to Biology – The Secret of Life will let you explore the mysteries of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, recombinant DNA technology and genomics, and rational medicine. How to explain the central dogma of molecular biology and convert DNA sequence to RNA sequence to protein sequence...
Introduction to Genetics and Evolution
by Dr. Mohamed Noor- 4.8
Approx. 25 hours to complete
We often hear about new "genome sequences," commercial kits that can tell you about your ancestry (including pre-human) from your DNA or disease predispositions, debates about the truth of evolution, why animals behave the way they do, and how people found "genetic evidence for natural selection....
An Intro to Tuning Forks
by Eeshi-Ra (formerly Ashera) Hart- 4.5
2 hours on-demand video
A beginners guide to sound healing frequencies using precision tuning forks to benefit you and your loved ones! Come and journey with me into the amazing qualities of sound healing using tuning forks that can benefit not only you, but your friends, family & beyond! Tuning forks are amazing gifts for humanity to heal at a deeper level....
REAL BONES: Adventures in Forensic Anthropology
by Janet Monge- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Discussions will include the limitations of forensic anthropology and the application of DNA recovery to skeletal/mummified materials. Understand topics such as the limitations of forensic anthropology and the application of DNA recovery to skeletal/mummified remains...
结构生物化学(Structural Biochemistry)
by 杨荣武- 0.0
Approx. 43 hours to complete
生物化学是当今生命科学领域中发展最为迅速、涉及面最广的基础学科之一,其着眼点在于使用化学、物理学和生物学等方法去研究各类生物分子的结构与功能,在分子水平上阐明生命的本质、原理和规律。如今,生物化学的理论和实验技术已渗透到生命科学的方方面面,它的发展一次又一次地带动了整个生命科学的发展。 生物化学可分为结构生物化学、代谢生物化学和分子生物学三个部分。本课程为第一部分,即结构生物化学,以后还会推出代谢生物化学和分子生物学课程。 结构生物化学的内容可以说是生物化学最基础的部分,有人把这一部分的内容说成是“静态生化”。其主要内容是各种生物分子(氨基酸、核苷酸、蛋白质、核酸、酶、碳水化合物、脂类和激素等)的结构、性质与功能,特别是三类生物大分子——蛋白质、核酸和酶的结构、性质与功能。 学完这一部分,将会为你学好生物化学的另外两个部分,即代谢生物化学和分子生物学打下坚实的基础,也为你学好细胞生物学、遗传学等其他生命科学相关课程创造条件。 先修课程:普通生物学和有机化学 大纲(Syllabus) 第一章 蛋白质的结构与功能(Chapter 1 Structure and Function of Proteins) 1. 氨基酸(Amino acids) 2. 蛋白质氨基酸与非蛋白质氨基酸(Proteinogenic AA & non-protenogenic AA) 3. 疏水氨基酸与亲水氨基酸(Hydrophobic & Hydrophilic AAs) 4. 必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸(Essential & Non-essential AAs) 5. 氨基酸的英文缩写(Abbreviations for 22 amino acids) 6. 氨基酸的缩合反应(AA Condensation reaction) 7. 氨基酸的手性(Chirality of Amino Acids) 8. 氨基酸的两性解离与等电点(Acid & base dissociation of amino acids and pI)...
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Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): An Introduction for Healthcare Professionals
- 0.0
Get broad insight into the key issues surrounding Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing with this course for healthcare professionals. Overview of genetics: The fundamentals that underpin genomicsNIPT: The discovery of fetal cell free DNADevelopments of the scientific technology behind NIPTClinical implementation and limitations of NIPTInformation provision, communication and individualised choiceSocial and ethical implications of screeningCurrent concerns and future developments of NIPT...
Abundance Wealth Download Activation Manifestation
by Marisa Russo- 4.6
2 hours on-demand video
Download your Abundance DNA Program and Activate Freedom and Wealth in Your Life...
Causes of Human Disease: Exploring Cancer and Genetic Disease
by Phil Burns- 0.0
What happens when DNA replication goes wrong?...