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Qi Gong for Health, Vitality and Longevity
by Jeffrey Chand- 4.9
1.5 hours on-demand video
Science is now confirming what the...
TRX Bodyweight Workout: Build Muscle And Lose Fat At Home
by Felix Harder- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
Looking For A TRX Workout Program That Is Based On Actual Science And Proven To Get You Results? In the course I go over the science behind building muscle and successful dieting, the perfect beginner workout plan and show you how to set clear and well-defined fitness goals that keep you motivated. Exercise at least five times per week…...
Complete Stretching: 30+ Exercises For Flexibility & Posture
by Felix Harder- 4.4
1 hour on-demand video
Reduce Your Risk Of Exercise Related Injury The stretching exercise is right for anyone and will show you stretching for runners, bodybuilders and normal athletes. Better resistance stretching and stretching exercise will help with your back flexibility strength, spine flexibility and normal flexibility training....
How to Lower Blood Pressure and Overcome Hypertension
by Roman Torgovitsky, Ph.D.- 3.8
4.5 hours on-demand video
Within the past 15 years, science has seen a tremendous level of non-pharmacological research that can benefit patients. As you can see these factors span all major systems: physiology, psychological and emotional factors, social factors, exercise and many others....
Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine
by Amanda McKinney, MD, FACLM- 0.0
8 Weeks
Currently, 50 percent of Americans live with one or more chronic illnesses in which diet, exercise and stress play a key role. Lifestyle Medicine is the science and application of 49 healthy lifestyles as interventions for the prevention and treatment of lifestyle-related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity, some neurological conditions and some cancers....
Java Programming: Build a Recommendation System
by Robert Duvall , Owen Astrachan , Andrew D. Hilton , Susan H. Rodger- 4.7
Approx. 5 hours to complete
Ever wonder how Netflix decides what movies to recommend for you? Or how Amazon recommends books? We can get a feel for how it works by building a simplified recommender of our own! In this capstone, you will show off your problem solving and Java programming skills by creating recommender systems....
Credit Risk Modeling in Python 2021
by 365 Careers- 4.5
7 hours on-demand video
A complete data science case study: preprocessing, modeling, model validation and maintenance in Python · You get to differentiate your data science portfolio by showing skills that are highly demanded in the job marketplace · What is most important – you get to see first-hand how a data science task is solved in the real-world...
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Data Structures: An Active Learning Approach
by Niema Moshiri , Christine Alvarado , Liz Izhikevich- 0.0
10 Weeks
This interactive text used in this course was written with the intention of teaching Computer Science students about various data structures as well as the applications in which each data structure would be appropriate to use....
10 Steps to an AwesomeSauce You (Step 2)
- 0.0
In the Science track, we look at how the brain decides and how our choices have come to be in our lives. There is only one exercise for all three tracks in this section....
Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science
by Romeo Kienzler- 4.3
Approx. 20 hours to complete
This is the first course of a series of courses towards the IBM Advanced Data Science Specialization. We strongly believe that is is crucial for success to start learning a scalable data science platform since memory and CPU constraints are to most limiting factors when it comes to building advanced machine learning models....