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MATLAB/SIMULINK Masterclass - From a Beginner to an Expert
by Tod Vachev- 4.2
4 hours on-demand video
Learn How to Build Control Systems. Course Topics Overview In this course you will start learning MATLAB/SIMULINK : Then you will learn advanced techniques in Modelling & Simulation of some applications from real life for example Modelling and Simulation of the Vehicle Suspension System, DC Servo Motor & Tank Level Control....
PLC at home using Arduino and CODESYS-Automation Control lab
by Mouhammad Hamsho- 0.0
7.5 hours on-demand video
Design from A-Z control projects using Arduino, Soft PLC, HMI, VFD, ModBus TCP and Electrical panel with full simulation This course provides hands-on Step by Step experience to integrate, Arduino, PLC and HMI using Modbus TCP by implementing real industrial projects. VFD (Industrial motor drivers) Handling Classical VFD devices (Industrial motor drivers)...
15 Minutes x 15 Days Yoga Balance Challenge
by Abi Carver- 4.9
4 hours on-demand video
Balance training strengthens networks in the brain that control mental efficiency, improving concentration, focus and alertness. Enhances coordination, body control and agility by speeding up neuromuscular communication. Improves the integration of sensorimotor control from visual, proprioceptive, vestibular, and motor inputs. "Another amazing course by Abi. I can't wait to go back and restart the course to continuously push my body....
Population Health: Study Design
by Dennis Mook-Kanamori , Frits Rosendaal , Johanna (Anske) G. van der Bom- 0.0
Approx. 29 hours to complete
In this course we will walk you through key steps in designing a research study, from formulating the research question to common pitfalls you might encounter when interpreting your results. How to succeed in your online class? About this course Course conclusion...
Introduction to User Experience Principles and Processes
by Mark Newman- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
This UX course provides an introduction to the fields of UX research and design. #3 - User Control and Freedom Heuristic Evaluation and Course Wrap-up Course Wrap-up, Next Steps Keep Learning with Michigan Online...
Mastering Arduino by Building Real World Applications
by Umesh Lokhande- 4.5
5 hours on-demand video
The course is designed for beginners to advance Arduino Users. This course will not only help you learn Arduino Programming but also help you understand underlying hardwares and protocols. This course is step-by-step guide to setup Arduino Software and Hardware for Programming. The course starts with very basics and ends up making complex Arduino projects. Servo Motor Control...
From Wire to PLC , A Bootcamp In Industrial Automation
by Mouhammad Hamsho- 4.7
17 hours on-demand video
Starting From Wires , Control Circuits And Ending With PLC And HMI **** Classic control simulation software tutorial is available*** This Course is an intensive course that tries to cover all the concepts required to build a fully functional Electrical Automation Projects. Traditional motor driving control circuits Modern motor driving equipment Design Motor driving control circuits...
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Arduino Step by Step More than 50 Hours Complete Course
by Roshan Premarathne- 4.2
52.5 hours on-demand video
This is a Complete Arduino Course which will guide you from very basic to most advanced level. This course divided into 16 Sections why We Cant Connect A DC Motor Directly To MCU. Introduction To DC Motor Drivers And How To Control The Directions. how To Control 4 Digit 7seg Display Using The Frequency Method....
Embedded Systems with 8051 Micro Controller using Embedded C
by Amit Rana- 0.0
5 hours on-demand video
This is a hands-on driven course where we’ll be writing a lot of codes and trying out its outputs. Stepper Motor DC Motor Device Control The course outcome is to enable everyone to be able to use 8051 microcontrollers and start creating projects on it. This course comes from a developer...
How to Create 3D Origami - Christmas Turkey
by Eric Lee- 0.0
44 mins on-demand video
This course on 3D origami handicraft is probably one of the best way to kick start your very first creative endeavor. We have included in the course segments on signing up for Ebates to earn cash rebates as well as the steps to create an account with Etsy, the online platform for selling hand made products....