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Design & Deploy an Enterprise WiFi Network
by Hazim Gaber- 0.0
4 hours on-demand video
Design, Deploy, & Maintain a WiFi Network for any industry and any building type I have designed, installed, and maintained wireless networks for Hotels, Stadiums, Retail Stores, University Campuses, Warehouses, Shopping Malls, & Airports. I also show you the business aspect of a Wireless Network, allowing you to understand the real cost of designing, implementing, and maintaining it....
Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Landscape Restoration
by Steve Kennedy , Simon W. Moolenaar , Berglind Orradóttir , Joris De Vente , Isabel C Barrio , Thorunn Petursdottir , Rob van Tulder- 4.5
Approx. 40 hours to complete
In this MOOC we focus on the potential of business model innovation for the challenge of large-scale landscape restoration. IN THEORY - Sustainable business model innovation for landscape restoration UNCCD Report - Sustainable land management for climate and people IN THEORY - Sustainable business models WBCSD Report - The business case for investing in soil health...
The Ziegler Academy: Art Management & Exhibition Design
by Tina Ziegler- 4.2
3 hours on-demand video
A complete guide to Art Gallery Management and Exhibition Design Thank you for your interest in the The Complete Guide to Art Gallery Management and Exhibition Design; Part 1 - 3. I personally would recommend this workshop to students of art colleges and schools if they think whether to go into this business or not....
Fundamentals of Management, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
by Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women , Edward David , Anne Donnellon , Michael Fetters , Geetha Krishnan , Mori Taheripour , Sarah Underwood- 4.7
Approx. 4 hours to complete
This free online course is one of 10 courses available in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women collection, designed for entrepreneurs ready to take their business to the next level. This course focuses on the most critical resource for growth in your business – your employees. The performance management process Do you have a vision for your organization?...
Media and communication training. All bases covered.
by Mark Aiston- 4.3
2.5 hours on-demand video
Crisis management the fast way: Media training online. Free online publicity, Free press publicity, Get free publicity, Marketing your business, Promoting your business online, How to promote, Virgin media training, Training social media, Communication, Interview skills questions, Management of crisis, Crisis communications, PR campaign budget Small business strategies then Media Training starter series is a must....
Personal Finance (Urdu/Hindi)
by Umair Malik Aman- 3.7
3 hours on-demand video
Earn Smart Course is in designed to facilitate people in managing their personal finance as well online business. The course is in Urdu/Hindi for better understanding for Indian & Pakistani Audience 3: Expense Management 5: Grow Your Business 6: Online Business 7: Start a New Business...
TripAdvisor Domination For Hospitality & Hotel Management
by António Araújo- 4.6
3 hours on-demand video
Hotel Management and any other hospitality related businesses depend on their online reputation for success and to get clients so this course will be the best investment you can do for your business growth. It’s all there for you. Totally recommend this course for any kind of business and specially for Hotel Management teams...
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Professional Responsibility and Ethics for Accountants
by Susan Curtis- 4.7
Approx. 20 hours to complete
Accountants perform a wide variety of activities which include, but are not limited to, accounting, auditing, tax, management consulting, and financial management. You will also learn foundational knowledge of the moral dimensions of business that are helpful for recognizing and interpreting the ethical issues embedded in situations you will encounter in your career....
MBA in a Box: Business Lessons from a CEO
by 365 Careers- 4.5
11.5 hours on-demand video
A Complete MBA Training: Business Strategy, Management, Marketing, Accounting, Decision Making & Negotiation This is the only online course you need to acquire the business acumen to: The gamebook will test what you have learned and will simulate a real-world environment in which your decisions as a business executive will have real monetary consequences for a company....
financial freedom Urdu/Hindi
by Muhammad Rooshan Siddiqui- 0.0
32 mins on-demand video
Earn Smart Course is in designed to facilitate people in managing their personal finance as well online business. The course is in Urdu/Hindi for better understanding for Indian & Pakistani Audience 3: Expense Management 5: Grow Your Business 6: Online Business 7: Start a New Business best of luck for information....