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Mawlana Jalal-Uddin Balkhi - Rumi: The Greatest Mystic Poet of All Time
by Naweed Rahmani , Sadeq Osyan- 0.0
6 Weeks
Mawlana's poetry has influenced not only Persian literature, but also Turkish, Ottoman Turkish, Azerbaijani, as well as the literature of some other Turkish, Iranian, and Indo-Aryan languages including Chagatai, Urdu and Pashto. Define the Origins of Mawlana and Mystic Poetry...
Mawlana Jalal-Uddin Balkhi - Rumi: The Greatest Mystic Poet of All Time
by Naweed Rahmani , Sadeq Osyan- 0.0
6 Weeks
Mawlana's poetry has influenced not only Persian literature, but also Turkish, Ottoman Turkish, Azerbaijani, as well as the literature of some other Turkish, Iranian, and Indo-Aryan languages including Chagatai, Urdu and Pashto. Define the Origins of Mawlana and Mystic Poetry...
Modern Hebrew Poetry שירה עברית מודרנית
by Ariel Hirschfeld- 4.8
Approx. 27 hours to complete
Week 9 - The Women Pioneers of Poetry Week 10 - The Poetry of Alterman Week 14 - Israeli Poetry and the Spoken Hebrew...
唐詩新思路 (Tang Poetry)
by 歐麗娟- 4.9
Approx. 19 hours to complete
唐詩不僅是詩歌史上一座巍峨的高峰,亦是人類文明的珍貴獻禮。本課程的目的並非對詩人、詩歌作一般性的概論,而是以專題的方式抽繹由初唐到晚唐詩歌的許多面向,除了釐清傳統文學史中對部分詩作的誤讀與偏見,更引領大家用不同的角度看待諸位著名詩人,如:陳子昂、王維、李白、杜甫、白居易、李商隱等。 初唐的陳子昂除了大家耳熟能詳的〈登幽州臺歌〉外,文學史上總將陳子昂形塑為復古派的健將,其師法漢魏古調的精神,六朝靡麗遺風彷彿在陳子昂的主張下開始動搖。然而,陳子昂真的完全反對六朝,以復古為目標嗎?在現存的文獻當中,是否有其他的依據? 至於一向被目為「自然派詩人」的盛唐詩人王維,其實詩歌成就寬廣深厚得多,歷來吟誦不已的名篇屈指難數,其中,〈雜詩〉三首之二作為漂泊他鄉之作,「來日綺窗前,寒梅著花未」是否有其他深意?王維遇到久別的鄉親時,問的為什麼是「寒梅著花未」呢?另外,飄逸不羈的詩人李白,在宮中留下的名篇〈清平調詞三首〉,究竟「可憐飛燕倚新妝」一語有何深意?是否真有諷刺楊貴妃的意思?這組詩的主旨究竟何在?再者,婚戀是每一個人生命中的內容,但隨著時代與個性的不同,詩人對妻子的描繪也大異其趣,「詩聖」杜甫除了憂國憂民、沉鬱頓挫的一面,在較不為人所知的〈月夜〉詩中,杜甫又是怎麼看待他的妻子? 還有,中唐詩人白居易的〈琵琶行〉是歷來傳誦不已的名篇,但「琵琶女」的造型仍有值得深入研究之處,且白居易在〈琵琶行〉中如何傾注他的「投射心理」?最後,晚唐詩人李商隱,其〈錦瑟〉風靡無數讀者,此詩亦為詩人晚年對一生的回顧,隱含了理解其性格特質的鑰匙,而末聯「此情可待成追憶,只是當時已惘然」的傳統解讀多有謬誤,其真正涵義為何?當將在唐詩的課程中一一釐清。 課程資訊 課程簡介 NTU MOOC 課程問題詢問與回報機制 製作團隊 第一講:陳子昂——「陽違陰奉」的復古派 0-1-1 總論:唐詩的特色與價值 0-1-2 總論:尊重與了解 1-1 背景介紹與基本釋義 1-2 陳子昂的復古理論 1-3-1 李白版的中國詩歌史 1-3-2 孔子的絕望 1-3-3 復古價值觀的確立 1-4 〈登幽州臺歌〉的六朝元素 1-5 反對的對反——陳子昂對六朝的吸收 1-6 杜甫、韓愈的勸告:正確的判斷與寬廣的胸襟 第一講 選擇題測驗 第二講:王維——「寒梅著花未」的提問心理 2-1 王維〈雜詩〉基本解釋 2-2 王績——先行者的作法 2-3-1 〈雜詩〉的獨特與歷來詮解的歧異 2-3-2 第一瞬間的反應:自我防衛的心理機制 2-3-3 「不敢問」的情怯 2-4-1 超乎言語所能表達的人生歷練之苦 2-4-2 單子沒有窗戶:人的有限性及絕對的孤獨 2-4-3 訴說的痛苦:三種因訴說而受傷的模式 2-4-4 天氣:不會受傷的社交話題...
Chinese Culture and Contemporary China
by 程爱民 , 张斌 , 杨居柳 , 敖雪岗- 4.6
Approx. 12 hours to complete
This course of Chinese Culture and Contemporary China will explore the foundations of Chinese civilization and the dimensions of Chinese culture. The course aims at providing students with a deeper knowledge of Chinese culture, thus enabling them to better understand China. Essentials of Chinese Confucian Thought Rituals Benevolence Tao Quiz on Rituals...
The Divine Comedy: Dante's Journey to Freedom, Part 1
by Frank Ambrosio , Rita Pearson , Jo Ann Moran Cruz , Elisabetta Lanzilao- 0.0
8 Weeks
You, the modern reader, will only understand the full implications of Dante's poetry if you participate with it in a way that is personal and is genuinely contemplative....
Religious Transformation in Early China: the Period of Division
by Prof. John Lagerwey- 4.8
Approx. 22 hours to complete
2 Buddhist influence on Chinese poetry 4 Daoist poetry 2 Buddhist influence on Chinese poetry 4 Daoist poetry...
Irish 201: An Introduction to Irish Language and Culture
by Ciarán MacMurchaidh , Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl , Conchúr Mac Lochlainn , Caitríona Nic Giolla Mhichíl- 0.0
Learn about the rich culture found in the Irish language while developing your spoken, reading, listening and writing skills....
Invitation to The Tale of Genji: The Foundational Elements of Japanese Culture
by Hidenori Jinno- 0.0
4 Weeks
, and its unique language, including the poetry found throughout...
Invitation to The Tale of Genji: The Foundational Elements of Japanese Culture
by Hidenori Jinno- 0.0
4 Weeks
, and its unique language, including the poetry found throughout...