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Unleash Your Potential: Global Citizenship
by Gloria Visintini , Sally-Ann Kitts- 0.0
Get an introduction to what it means to be a global citizen and the opportunities it creates. What Does it Mean to be a Global Citizen? Introduction to the course Global Challenges in Science, Health and Technology Technological Advances: To share or not to share? We've made it to the end: let's review, and consider what's next...
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering - 電気電子工学入門 -
by Akira Chiba , Akira Matsuzawa , Shinsuke Miyajima , Ayaka Saito- 0.0
4 Weeks
The topics covered range from introductory materials to fundamental research and their practical applications. The lecture at the top of the page is in English (dubbed using Google text to speech API), contains slides in English and closed captions in English. 本コースでは,電気・電子工学の基礎的な内容を、幅広い事例を交えて紹介します。太陽電池や携帯電話、高速鉄道などの日本企業での応用事例や、日本の先端研究所で行われている先進的な研究を取り上げます。このコースを受講することで,本大学の教員や日本の産業界で活躍する技術者から電気電子工学全般についての知識を得ることができます。扱うトピックは、入門的な教材から、基礎的な研究、そしてその実践的な応用という流れに沿ったものとなっています。各トピックには2つの講義動画があります。ページの一番上の映像の講義は英語(Google text to speech APIを使用した吹き替え)で、英語のスライドと英語のクローズドキャプションが付いています。その下の講義は日本語で行われ、英語のトランスクリプトが含まれています。すべての資料(スライド、クイズ、最終レポート)は日本語と英語の両方で提供されています。...
Natural Language Processing - Basic to Advance using Python
by Shiv Onkar Deepak Kumar- 3.3
7 hours on-demand video
Learn NLP Basic to Advance (using ML & DL) in Python. As practitioner of NLP, I am trying to bring many relevant topics under one umbrella in following topics. Text to Features Speech Recognition How to know models are good enough Bias vs Variance Text to Features Speech Recognition How to know models are good enough Bias vs Variance...
Читаем русскую классику вместе. М. Булгаков «Мастер и Маргарита»
by Татьяна Борисовна Банкова (Tatiana B. Bankova) , Елена Андреевна Юрина (Elena A. Yurina)- 4.5
Approx. 22 hours to complete
The ideal outcome from the course is to master by means of teacher-student cooperation a universal model of work with literary text that may be used as a basis of purposeful reading skills formation. 2) to comment on the text considering the provided communicative task; 4) to predict the content of the text basing on the content analysis;...
Getting Started with AI using IBM Watson
by Rav Ahuja- 4.5
Approx. 10 hours to complete
In this course you will learn how to quickly and easily get started with Artificial Intelligence using IBM Watson. You will also work with several Watson services to demonstrate AI in action. Making Data and AI Accessible to All Introduction to Watson Services Watson Speech to Text Watson Text to Speech...
Basics of Inclusive Design for Online Education
by Emily Moore , Howard Kramer , Clayton Lewis- 4.6
Approx. 7 hours to complete
This course provides instruction and strategies to support you in developing a course that is inclusive to students with a wide range of abilities, including students with disabilities. We cover effective practices to increase inclusion and avoid some of the common accessibility issues that can arise in an online course. Week 1: Introduction to Course, Demographics, Universal Design...
Sequence Models
by Andrew NgTop Instructor , Kian KatanforooshTop Instructor , Younes Bensouda MourriTop Instructor- 4.8
Approx. 36 hours to complete
In the fifth course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you will become familiar with sequence models and their exciting applications such as speech recognition, music synthesis, chatbots, machine translation, natural language processing (NLP), and more. How to Download your Notebook How to Refresh your Workspace Refinements to Beam Search Speech Recognition...
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Fundamentals of Communication Acoustics
by Gerhard Müller , Michael Vorländer , Jens Ahrens , Janina Fels- 0.0
6 Weeks
In this course, we will cover the fundamentals of communication acoustics, which is the way sounds travel from a source through a channel to a receiver. This engineering course covers the fundamentals of communication acoustics - the way sounds travel to a receiver, originating from a source and conducted through a channel. Speech acoustics...
AWS Developer: Building on AWS
by Russell Sayers , Heiwad Osman- 0.0
6 Weeks
AWS experts show how to leverage your developer skills to build and run applications in the AWS Cloud. Class discussions will provide an opportunity for you to interact with fellow students as well as AWS training staff. How to create and manage an AWS account How to install and use the AWS SDKs...
Children Acquiring Literacy Naturally
by Dr. Dominic William Massaro- 4.3
Approx. 8 hours to complete
You will encounter various aspects of behavioral science and technology that are relevant to this proposition. You will also be more attuned to current advances in the technology of human machine interactions, and what these phenomena imply for learning to read at an early age. Analogous Processes in Speech Perception and Reading...