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Networks: Friends, Money, and Bytes
by Mung Chiang , Christopher Brinton- 4.7
Approx. 37 hours to complete
You pick up your iPhone while waiting in line at a coffee shop. You check out user reviews on Amazon and pick one, download that movie on BitTorrent or stream that in Netflix. Numerical Example and PageRank in Practice The Puzzling Nature of Success and Failure in Cultural Markets: Matthew Salganik...
Cloud-Native Applications in Java
by Packt Publishing- 3.9
14 hours on-demand video
You’ll learn about design patterns specific to apps running in the cloud, and discover how you can build a microservice in Java Spring using REST APIs. About the Authors :Ajay Mahajan is a distinguished member of technical staff (DMTS) at Wipro Technologies and currently is in the role of chief technologist of the retail vertical....
International Security Management
by Gabriele Jacobs , Dominique Lapprand , Anthony Thompson , Bernat Vivolas Jordà , Lola Valles , Milton Sousa , Fabio Bisogni , Jonathan Saunders , Alice Raven- 4.7
Approx. 9 hours to complete
In this MOOC you will learn about the colorful and diverse international security landscape, and gain insights into challenging topics including Open Source Intelligence, serious organised crime and illicit trade. How can police officers feel safe in their job? Citizens' Positive Safety Perceptions in Public Spaces Constructing safety in our future society...
SQL Server Analysis Services - SSAS, Data Mining & Analytics
by Siddharth Mehta- 3.9
7.5 hours on-demand video
1) You can learn SSAS, Data Mining and Analytics from scratch as well as ask questions directly to a Published Author, Microsoft MVP, and a Senior Technology Architect with more than 15 years of experience who actively practices Business Intelligence, Data Mining and Analytics in real-world client projects internationally. Full project developed in the course....
Intel® Network Academy - Network Transformation 101
by Intel Network Academy- 4.5
Approx. 18 hours to complete
In this program, we will be covering the topic areas of software defined infrastructure (SDI) network functions virtualization (NFV), software-defined networking (SDN) and beyond. Wireless Technology and Spectrum Overview of WiFi and Other Wireless LAN Technologies in Unlicensed Spectrum Radio Access Technology (RAT) Design Imperatives and Network Slicing...
Software Product Leadership - Product Management 101
by Dean Slawson- 4
2 hours on-demand video
As you start your PM journey, we want to share our learnings from being Product Managers in different PM roles at Microsoft and other places and as technology entrepreneurs starting companies . Understanding the dynamics and the culture of the team that you are in Section 3: User Experience (UX) Design Special topic: A day in the life of a PM....
Sikuli Automation Using Java and Python + 5 Kickass Projects
by Nishit Maru- 3
5.5 hours on-demand video
Learn SikuliX Automation in Java and Python and create real world applications, Learn how to automate any Application Developed at the User Interface Design Group at MIT, is a powerful and easy-to-use technology that uses image recognition to automate just about anything that appears on-screen. Sikuli comes with basic text recognition that can be used to search text in images....
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C# Acceleration with Visual Studio 2017 Community
by Tin Huynh- 4.1
6 hours on-demand video
C# (CSharp) is the most popular programming language in the Microsoft Technology stack. Exercises! Yes, there will be various exercises including quizzes, coding and even software design exercises to help consolidate and practice what you have learned. I explain many important concepts in a very detailed manner to make sure you completely understand what needs to be understood....
Software Architecture Case Studies
by Memi Lavi- 4.4
3.5 hours on-demand video
Software Architects have one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs in the industry. Each case study presents a unique challenge, with a lot of twists in the way, and together - we're going to design the architecture of each and every one of them. - Select the technology stack - Design the architecture...
Financial Modeling for Algorithmic Trading using Python
by Packt Publishing- 3.9
12.5 hours on-demand video
Technology has become an asset in finance. Once you are comfortable in analyzing models with Python, you will learn to practically apply them to analyze machine learning models for your own financial data. He has taught courses in statistics, quantitative methods, information systems and database design. He is a specialist in image processing, machine learning and deep learning....