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ElasticSearch, LogStash, Kibana ELK #2 - Learn LogStash
by TetraNoodle Team- 4.3
2.5 hours on-demand video
The latest stats and figures show some amazing numbers like jobs requiring these skill sets pay higher than most of the jobs posted on public job boards within the US and annual salaries for professionals could be as high as $100,000....
Python for Everybody: Five Domain Specialization
by Sachin Kafle- 4.4
41.5 hours on-demand video
Running Python Code Given these conventions, Python code tends to appear as less of a "jumble" to newcomers than it does in comparable languages. In the job market, if you observe the trends; Python is often looked like a strong language to support some primary language that is more broadly used like C or Java....
The Complete iOS Developer - Create Real Apps in Swift
by Grant Klimaytys- 3.7
42.5 hours on-demand video
The Complete iOS Developer has just one goal - to turn you into the best developer, freelancer and entrepreneur that you can possibly be! This course will show you how to code properly whilst developing your own app ideas and turning those into monetisable products. Calculator apps to understand basic code " Hi Grant, I managed to land the fabled 6 figure developer job yesterday thanks to your course....
C# Simply Master in Less Than a Day
by Thirucumaran N- 3.9
5.5 hours on-demand video
This course will help you to do better at job interviews as well....
Automated Software Testing with Python
by Jose Salvatierra- 4.5
13.5 hours on-demand video
We will cover every fundamental software testing skill that you need to know in order to get a job testing or to apply these skills in your existing projects. The Testing Pyramid says you should have a lot of unit tests, slightly fewer integration tests, even fewer system tests, and as few acceptance tests as possible....
Introduction To Unity® For Absolute Beginners | 2018 ready
by Diego Herrera- 4.3
4.5 hours on-demand video
Linked In recently listed Unity developer as the 6th most posted job for companies in 2018. I don't go into advanced C# programming I simply demonstrate how basic code interacts with the game objects and give you the foundation to continue learning in your own time from that point....
Salesforce Step-by-Step System Administrator Training
by Aspiratech Training- 0.0
6.5 hours on-demand video
NOTE: New material continues to be added to the course as the Salesforce platform continues to evolve. This course provides the training you need for the only type of true job security there is, the security of genuinely being the best at what you do. I am looking forward to write my 401 exam as well....
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The Complete Guide to Django REST Framework and Vue JS
by Michele Saba- 4.7
13.5 hours on-demand video
Enroll now, and bring your skills to the next level!This course is designed to be your complete reference and learning guide to modern Web Development with Django and Vue JS, two of the most used Frameworks in the Industry, increasing your skills as a developer in a job market where staying competitive and up to date is paramount....
Laravel 6 Full Project Course - Job HR Management Portal
by David Ozoalor- 2.9
10.5 hours on-demand video
Learn to build a job recruitment and HR management portal step-by-step just like laracast laravel tutorial TestingThere are more detailed topics such as When installing a fresh Laravel 6 application, you'll notice that the login and registration scaffolding, as well as the Vue/jQuery/Bootstrap boilerplate in your app....
Learn Spring 5, Boot 2, JPA, Thymeleaf, AOP, Web MVC, REST
by Imtiaz Ahmad- 4.8
16.5 hours on-demand video
You will type every line of code along with me, as I explain, to ensure that you fully comprehend the subject matter. ★★★★★ Excellent course so far! The instructor does a fantastic job introducing small pieces at a time, and then slowly building upon the previous piece....