Search result for Personal training and development Online Courses & Certifications
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Advanced Spiritual Psychic Mediumship With Confidence
by Julian Jenkins- 4.8
2 hours on-demand video
Certified: This is a certified course and a personal certificate from myself will be issued at completion on request. We will learn how to build a stronger connection and how to surrender to the love and development of our spiritual journey through, Be Love, Give Love and provide evidence of eternal love....
Learning To Program In Java 8 - Video Based Training
by Infinite Skills- 4.6
6.5 hours on-demand video
This Java 8 training course from Infinite Skills teaches you the tools and functions of the latest Java platform. You will start by learning how to install the Java development kit, then move onto creating a project and package and writing and running your first Java class....
Introduction to Web Development
by Daniel Randall- 4.7
Approx. 22 hours to complete
Finally, you’ll be able to develop a working model for creating your own personal or business websites in the future and be fully prepared to take the next step in a more advanced web development or design course or specialization. How to Find and Select a Web Hosting Company Networks and the Internet...
Business Process Management in Healthcare Organizations
by Margaret Kilduff, Ph.D.- 4.7
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Have you ever needed to resolve a billing or other issue with a healthcare organization and thought that there must be a better, more efficient, and more customer-friendly way to operate such a business process? Lesson One: Healthcare Organization Business Processes and Management [FUN] Welcome and Find Your Seat [INFO] Welcome and Course Overview...
Professional Accredited Psychic Development Course
by Dr Karen E Wells- 4.6
1 hour on-demand video
Professional Accredited Psychic Development Course To make the most of this course, we would suggest you work through each of the modules one at a time including the video modules and the in depth training manual. Introduction to your Professional Accredited Psychic Development Course Your Professional Accredited Psychic Development Course PDF...
Getting Started With Apache Cassandra
by Infinite Skills- 4.5
8 hours on-demand video
This Apache Cassandra training course Infinite Skills teaches you the basics of working with Cassandra. Experience with databases, SQL, and programming is recommended. Once you have completed this video based training course, you will have a solid understanding of Cassandra, and be able to use Cassandra for your own development projects....
Learn & Master Sign Language
by Legacy Learning Systems- 4.6
47 hours on-demand video
These are personal dreams we hold dear, but as time passes and life gets in the way, these dreams can sometimes slip farther and farther out of reach. That is the mission of Legacy Learning Systems: To make difficult skills accessible through multimedia self-education courses and bring personal dreams within reach....
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Vertical Jump Training
by Kaleb Marquis- 4.2
1 hour on-demand video
Combination of plyometric and strength training to increase anyone's vertical Although the weight room is very important for seeing increases in your vertical, we will discuss how nutrition is equally important and I will introduce you to several crucial supplements including my personal opinion of which ones are necessary....
Start your own Tourism Business - A Beginners Course
by Stacy J- 4.1
1 hour on-demand video
This course aims to increase you knowledge of tourism and help you to start your own tourism business. This course has been designed as a jump-start for you to comfortable get into the tourism industry and get your fair share of this “new gold”. This method is great for communicating and sharing on-line training programs....
Unity 5 Level Design, Lighting, and Animation
by Packt Publishing- 4.5
4 hours on-demand video
Learn the principles of level design, lightning and animation in Unity 5 Develop your Unity skills further by exploring level design and animation. He has written twenty-three technical books on game development and presented 19 video training courses. He is currently the head of department for Games Design and Development at the National Film and Television School....