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How to Perform SEO on Websites using Tools | Complete Guide
by Manan Bindra- 3.5
40 mins on-demand video
Learn to audit a website using Web Crawling Tools and creating reports to submit to client for SEO Audit. SEO is one the foremost highly paid online skills due to the rise in traffic and sales it can deliver to a business, and therefore the demand for this skill is merely getting bigger!...
Git from Basics to Advanced: Practical Guide for Developers
by Andrii Piatakha- 4.4
3.5 hours on-demand video
In this course we will imitate team work and work on the one project from scratch. We will review different life scenarios and online, on the video, I will show you the best way to approach varios cases. The significant difference between online and offline learning process is instructor's availability. Go and try it yourself! We will appreciate your feedback....
WordPress Theme Development with Bootstrap in 2021
by Brad Hussey- 4.1
12 hours on-demand video
Bootstrap is the most widely used design framework, supporting the development of modern & responsive HTML5 and CSS3 based websites, and WordPress powers the majority of modern websites. Bootstrap significantly reduces development time by ensuring your website layouts are responsive and mobile friendly, while WordPress makes it very easy to manage website content....
How To Do A Solo Shamanic Vision Quest Transform Your Life
by Sharon Ramel- 4.8
4 hours on-demand video
Discover shamanic journeying/dreaming and the role it plays in shaping your very existence on our Earth mother now. This is core knowledge from our shamanic dreaming heart and soul who knows and is available to us all. You have to turn in and tap in. Certification and Accreditation: Some instructors offer “accreditation” via external official-sounding bodies....
Ultimate Ableton Live 9: Part 7 - MaxForLive
by Jason Allen- 4.1
5.5 hours on-demand video
This course is "5-Star Certified" by the International Association of Online Music Educators and Institutions (IAOMEI). MaxForLive is a powerful tool that lets users design their own instruments, effects, and devices. As we grow our vocabulary, we "learn how to learn" more and more. The unique and quirky history and development of Max...
BullsEye Keyword Research, Any Market, Any Niche, Any Time
by David Reynolds- 4.7
4 hours on-demand video
Successfully select the best keywords and gain market respect using strategic skills by the numbers. This is a Highly Focused training method very similar to Dr. Using the Google Keyword Planner or Bing's Keyword Research and some Excel formulas, we will learn how to tell the difference between successful keywords and ones that have failure written all over them....
Complete DevOps Gitlab & Kubernetes: Best Practices Bootcamp
by Syed Raza- 2.9
2.5 hours on-demand video
In the world of Enterprise software/app development with Big Data lurking all around us within the realm of Cloud Computing - Learn Complete DevOps Gitlab & Kubernetes: Best Practices Bootcamp step-by-step, complete hands-on GitLab, DevOps, and Kubernetes training - Bringing you the latest technologies with up-to-date knowledge. In this course, you'll learn and practice: Best practice with CI/CD Pipelines, and learn hands-on Pipleline fro Kubernetes...
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Master Microsoft Access 2013 & 2016 for Beginners
by Simon Sez IT- 0.0
31 hours on-demand video
Get up and running quickly - Web Development Languages - And so much more! Just search "Simon Sez IT" to see our full list of individual courses and incredible value multi-course bundles on Udemy. Sorting information and running queries Safeguards and restrictions Creating tables and relationships Learn how to split a database by splitting the frontend and backend...
Build Virtual Reality Games for Android and iPhone
by Yohann Taieb- 3.7
3 hours on-demand video
Complete guide to quickly build and publish VR games using Unity Contrary to most online courses, the following course allow you to create and also PUBLISH the game you’re making to the Google Play store and the iTune app store. "Unity 2016 - RPG Character Stats and Item Attributes System" - Mastering Melee and Ranged weapon mechanics...
Parenting (Teens) Practitioner Certificate [Accredited]
by Braco Pobric- 4.6
3.5 hours on-demand video
Receive [ONLY] Internationally Accredited Parenting Certification in Positive Psychology focusing on Teenagers As a Prominent Leader in Online Learning and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness, Leadership, and Human Flourishing Braco Pobric is actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and does his best to answer all the questions within 48 hours....