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Salesforce Integration
by Stephane Muller- 0.0
Approx. 13 hours to complete
Salesforce Integration explores why data management is so important, how Salesforce can help organize and display reported data to gain insight into trends and patterns, and how to automate manual business procedures. Learners will specifically practice creating custom automation process, building work flows, and performing data modeling. Build and customize processes and flows....
Account Management & Sales Force Design
by Michael F. Walsh, Ph.D. , Suzanne C. Bal , Emily C. Tanner, Ph.D.- 4.5
Approx. 15 hours to complete
The first course in the Sales Operations/Management Specialization, Account Management & Salesforce Design aims to introduce learners to a variety of sales methods. Students will gain knowledge on steps in strategic planning and sales management, responsibilities of a sales manager, kinds of sales operations, a recap of the personal selling process, and the concept of a buying center....
Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia
by Dr. Kes McCormick , Dr. Luis Mundaca , Prof. Oksana Mont , Prof. Lena Neij , Dr. Thomas Lindhqvist , Dr. Håkan Rodhe , Dr. Peter Arnfalk , Dr. Charlotte Leire- 4.7
Approx. 15 hours to complete
We will learn from many initiatives attempted in Scandinavia since the 1970s, which are all potentially helpful and useful for other countries and contexts. The IIIEE is ideally suited to understand and explain the interdisciplinary issues in green economies utilising the diverse disciplinary backgrounds of its international staff. Little Actions and Big Challenges...
Making Successful Decisions through the Strategy, Law & Ethics Model
by George Siedel- 4.8
Approx. 22 hours to complete
In essence, to achieve business and career success, you must create value (strategy) and manage risk (law) in a responsible manner (ethics). • create contracts that achieve business goals, and Use the Three Pillar Model for Personal, Leadership and Business Decisions Use Employment Law to Attract and Retain the Best Business Talent Create and Lead an Ethical Business...
Supply Chain Sourcing
by Rudolf Leuschner, Ph.D.- 4.7
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Part of a broader specialization on Supply Chain Management, you will master the supplier selection process and supplier segmentation. Procurement, Purchasing, Supply Management, and Strategic Sourcing Supply Management Purchasing Must Become Supply Management Coke and McDonald’s, Growing Together Since 1955 Purchasing and Procurement Don't Let Your Supply Chain Control Your Business...
Strategic Sales Management Final Project
by Nelson Yoshida , Samantha Mazzero- 0.0
Approx. 7 hours to complete
In this course, you’ll develop the final project of the specialization, which is an application of the whole set of concepts, models, frameworks, tools, and techniques discussed and practiced through the four previous courses. Business Case - Printing and Graphics Business Case - Printing and Graphics Business case - Printing and graphics...
Doing Business in Europe
by Prof. Dr. Florence Pinot de Villechenon , Prof. Dr. Béatrice Collin- 4.3
Approx. 6 hours to complete
Welcome to the MOOC “Doing Business in Europe”! With a dozen contributions from academics in the various domains of management (marketing, supply chain, finance, human resources management or strategy) and as many testimonials from business leaders operating in Europe, this course will help you enrich your knowledge and business competences within the European context....
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Models & Frameworks to Support Sales Planning
by Nelson Yoshida , Edson Ito , Cesar Rodrigues , Samantha Mazzero- 4.4
Approx. 22 hours to complete
Welcome to Course 3 - Models & Frameworks to Support Sales Planning – In this course, you’ll go through a conceptual approach to selling models and frameworks. As a primary learning outcome of this course, we emphasize the improvement in the analytical competencies and skills to develop sales planning and management....
Managing Supply Chain Disruption During COVID-19
by Nehemiah Scott- 4.7
Approx. 10 hours to complete
In this course, you will learn about why and how supply chains become susceptible to a disruption. We will examine this by discussing supply side and demand side issues, primary supply chain flows, complexity, risk management and a combination of solid theoretical supply chain perspectives and current real-world stories. Business and Care for People...
Blockchain and Business: Applications and Implications
by Don Tapscott , Alex Tapscott- 4.7
Approx. 27 hours to complete
Blockchain will bring about profound changes to business, and even to the nature of business itself. As well, you will be able to identify seven qualities that a region in the world needs in order to attract technology startups and to build a vibrant blockchain ecosystem. Explain how blockchain technology will transform business structures, roles, and functions of enterprise...