Search result for English language teaching course Online Courses & Certifications
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Take Your English Communication Skills to the Next Level
by Amalia B. Stephens- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
During course lessons and Peer Assessments you will practice and expand the language skills necessary for success in the professional world. Completing this Capstone Project will help you reach your English language and professional goals now and in the future. Lesson Guide for the "Write Professional Emails in English" Course Get More from the Georgia Tech Language Institute...
Strategies for Teaching Perfect Tenses and Modals
by Tamy Chapman , Emily Wong , Brad Gilpin- 4.3
Approx. 17 hours to complete
This is the first course in the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. This course is designed for teachers or those wanting to become teachers who have a solid understanding of English grammar and want to improve their skills of teaching that grammar to others. Teaching Present Perfect Simple Tense Commentary on Teaching Present Perfect...
The Complete Punctuation Course: English Writing - Grammar
by TJ Walker- 4.4
30.5 hours on-demand video
This Udemy course gives you, the English language learner, a complete overview of English punctuation. This course will give you the ability to understand English better and the confidence to write (and speak) English more fluently. Derek is one of the top English grammar instructors in the world and I am proud to be teaching this course with him....
ELL Success in the Content Classroom: Capstone Project
by Claire McLaughlin , Ellen Manos- 0.0
Approx. 15 hours to complete
Your capstone project should be tailored to your teaching context, content area, and students. * Create formative and summative assessments to measure both content mastery and language development as specified by Bonus Reading: Science Curriculum Tailored to English Language Learners Boosts Student Achievement Bonus Reading: Do's & Don'ts for Teaching English Language Learners...
Educating Deaf Children: Becoming an Empowered Teacher
by Odette Swift , Tara Kuhn- 4.9
Approx. 16 hours to complete
This 4 week course provides you with invaluable knowledge and skills about teaching Deaf children. This course does not teach sign language since each country has its own sign language. Welcome to the course A Holistic Approach to Teaching Deaf Children Course information Meet the course team Course collaborators The Deaf Child's Language and Communication...
Full intensive English course: Intermediate-Advanced English
by Logus Online- 4.4
57.5 hours on-demand video
Introducing LOGUS: intermediate - advanced intensive English language course The killer advantages of the spoken English language course LOGUS that blow the competition out of the water: You get over 57 hours of intensive spoken English language practice. LOGUS is the only online English language video course obsessed with perfecting your speech fluency....
Business Skills: Easy English Meetings (Meetings in English)
by ELT Online- 4.3
2 hours on-demand video
Boost Your Business English and Meetings Skills! Attending English meetings can be very challenging. If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, then enroll now! This course is for Upper-Intermediate to Advanced English Language Learners. The skills you learn in this course will improve your ability to participate in English Meetings and your General English....
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Interview Research and Preparation
by Charles Duquette- 4.6
Approx. 20 hours to complete
How This Course is Graded Improving Your English Pronunciation Becoming a More Efficient Language Learner The Courage to Be a Language Learner...
Learn MS SQL Server in 2018
by Harry C.- 3.3
3 hours on-demand video
In this course we will learn the basic-intermediate level about Structured Query Language A. Since this is the first course that I created, bare with my deep accent and the way I pronounce the words. But the good thing is while I'm teaching and talking in front of my computer, It will improve my English proficiency....
The Complete English Grammar Course - Perfect Your English
by TJ Walker- 4.4
35.5 hours on-demand video
A detailed and thorough English grammar course for all learners. This Udemy course gives you, the English language learner, a complete overview of English grammar. This is the English grammar course you need. Derek is one of the top English grammar instructors in the world and I am proud to be teaching this course with him....