Search result for Oop design Online Courses & Certifications
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The Complete DevOps Engineer Course 2.0 - Java & Kubernetes
by Syed Raza- 4.8
14 hours on-demand video
Learn how 12-factor apps and the microservices design pattern make modern applications easier to deploy and maintain...
Python The Complete Course - From Beginner to Advanced
by Saja Al Mamoori- 3.9
17 hours on-demand video
As a Computer Science Instructor, I know that the course design stage is the crucial part to its success and to the students to get most of the course....
Comprehensive Ruby on Rails
by Jordan Hudgens- 3.4
6.5 hours on-demand video
This is a comprehensive Ruby on Rails development course created for individuals who want to build powerful web apps. Update March 2016 - New lectures have been added for: upgrading to version 4. 2 of the Rails framework, how to edit nested resources, and cleaning up notifications. +++++++ What does it take to become a full stack web developer?...
by Happy Code- 1.8
4.5 hours on-demand video
So you should have some knowledge and experience on software development and OOP - C#. After MVC, you will learn routing, model binding, model validation, dependency injection and how to use design patterns in the project. Learn to use Design Patterns...
Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python
by Jose Salvatierra- 4.5
26.5 hours on-demand video
By the end of the course, you'll be able to design and code any feature on any website! Design websites using design software like Figma "Great course, learned loads, really great for OOP and for web development....
Develop Computer Based Test (CBT) and Chat App In PHP : 2020
by Olawuyi Segun Orisunola- 5
17.5 hours on-demand video
This tool with a small framework ensures that developers can design websites that are light, fast and dynamic. Software Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern....
Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python
by Jose Salvatierra- 4.5
27.5 hours on-demand video
By the end of the course, you'll be able to design and code any feature on any website! Design websites using design software like Figma "Great course, learned loads, really great for OOP and for web development....
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Create POS System - Inventory & sales with PHP 7 & adminLTE
by Juan Fernando Urrego- 4.1
25 hours on-demand video
Learn how to create a POS system with inventory management and billing using PHP 7 and AdminLTE Would you like to learn how to create a POS System and sell it to companies that wants to manage their inventory and billing? System’s characteristics: Inventory management Sales management with different payment methods...
The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course
by Dr. Hussein Alrubaye- 4.2
27 hours on-demand video
Then we will talk about functions and OOP concept that you need to use when you program apps with Kotlin, then we will talk about collections and which type collection you have to use for better performance depend on your app. Design amazing layout using Style, Color,Shape, Menu and ConstraintLayout Understand the OOP in Kotlin...
The Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Expert!
by Jonas Schmedtmann- 4.7
68 hours on-demand video
Design your unique learning path according to your goals: course pathways...