Search result for Spatial analysis Online Courses & Certifications
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GIS Data Formats, Design and Quality
by Nick Santos- 4.9
Approx. 28 hours to complete
You'll also work with rasters for the first time, using digital elevation models and creating slope and distance analysis products. Overview of Spatial Analyst Tutorial Assignment 3: A Suitability Analysis: Spatial Analyst, Raster Data, and DEMs...
Foundations of Sports Analytics: Data, Representation, and Models in Sports
by Wenche Wang , Stefan Szymanski- 4.5
Approx. 49 hours to complete
The main focus of the introduction will be on the use of regression analysis to analyze team and player performance data, using examples drawn from the National Football League (NFL), the National Basketball Association (NBA), the National Hockey League (NHL), the English Premier LEague (EPL, soccer) and the Indian Premier League (IPL, cricket)....
R: Complete Data Visualization Solutions
by Packt Publishing- 3.9
3 hours on-demand video
Veronesi has specialized in the application of spatial statistical techniques to environmental data....
Multimodal Literacies: Communication and Learning in the Era of Digital Media
by Dr William Cope , Dr Mary Kalantzis- 4.8
Approx. 24 hours to complete
2 A Grammar of Spatial Meaning...
Problem Solving, Python Programming, and Video Games
by Duane Szafron , Paul Lu- 4.2
Approx. 78 hours to complete
Lexical Analysis (review) Syntax Analysis (statement and assignment statement) Semantic Analysis (assignment statement) Lexical Analysis (operator) Syntax Analysis (binary expression and binary operator) Semantic Analysis (binary expression) Lexical Analysis (keyword) Syntax Analysis (import statement and module) Semantic Analysis (import statement) Lexical Analysis (review) Syntax Analysis (multi-argument function call) Semantic Analysis (multi-argument function call)...
ALTERYX Tutorial for Beginners 2021
by Pavan Lalwani- 4.5
5 hours on-demand video
Predictive Analysis Tool Spatial Analysis Tool...
Measurement – Turning Concepts into Data
by Jennifer Bachner, PhD- 4.8
Approx. 11 hours to complete
After all, a good analysis is built on good measures. Unit of Analysis Unit of Analysis Unit of Analysis and Unit of Observation Unit of Analysis Practice Problems Analyzing Roll Calls with Perfect Spatial Voting...
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Materials Data Sciences and Informatics
by Dr. Surya Kalidindi- 4.5
Approx. 9 hours to complete
Spatial Correlations: n-Point Statistics Computation and Visualization of 2-Point Spatial Correlations...
Computers, Waves, Simulations: A Practical Introduction to Numerical Methods using Python
by Heiner Igel- 4.7
Approx. 35 hours to complete
W1V2 Spatial scales and meshing Week 03 The Finite-Difference Method - 1D Wave Equation - von Neumann Analysis W3V8 Von Neumann Analysis W4V4 Acoustic Waves 2D – von Neumann Analysis Understanding the limits of explicit space-time simulations due to the stability criterion and spatial and temporal sampling requirements....
Statistical Thinking for Industrial Problem Solving, presented by JMP
by Mia Stephens , Ledi Trutna- 4.8
Approx. 44 hours to complete
Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis Demo: Switching Columns in an Analysis Visualizing Geographic and Spatial Data Summary of Exploratory Data Analysis Tools Restructuring Data for Analysis Summary - Exploratory Data Analysis Practice: Grouping and Combining Analysis Scripts Demo: Conducting a Capability Analysis Using the Control Chart Builder What is a Measurement Systems Analysis...