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Statistik & Data Science Bootcamp in Excel: Von 0 auf 100!
by Fabio Basler- 0.0
11 hours on-demand video
Dieser Kurs macht dich von null zum Experten im Bereich Statistik, Data Science und Datenanalyse! Wir fangen bei den wichtigsten Grundlagen der deskriptiven und induktiven Statistik an und werden die einzelnen Lerninhalte insbesondere praxisnahe mit Microsoft Excel vertiefen. Grundlage für Web-Crawling & Data Science...
Data analyzing and Machine Learning Hands-on with KNIME
by Barbora Stetinova, MBA- 0.0
4.5 hours on-demand video
Hands-on crash course guiding through codeless, user-friendly, free data science software KNIME Analytics Platform column operations (filtering, spiting, adding, date information, missing values, adding binners, change data types, do basic math operations etc. Understand the basic theory and its importance of the AI, Big Data, Data Science and Machine Learning including several techniques...
Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation
by Ewa Luger , Michael Rovatsos , Burkhard Schafer , Morgan Currie- 0.0
7 Weeks
This story-driven course is taught by the leading experts in data science, AI, information law, science and technology studies, and responsible research and innovation, and informed by case studies supplied by the digital business frontrunners and tech companies. Identify and assess current ethical issues in data science and industry....
Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing
by Grazi Fernandes- 3.8
1 hour on-demand video
AI is able to think faster and smarter than any human, and that’s especially true when it comes to internet marketing which is a data driven pursuit. Big data Data science Big data Data science...
Complete Machine Learning with R Studio - ML for 2021
by Start-Tech Academy- 4.5
13 hours on-demand video
Almost all of them hire data scientists who use R. Learning the data science basics is arguably easier in R than Python. As the field of data science has exploded, usage of R and Python has exploded with it, becoming one of the fastest-growing languages in the world (as measured by StackOverflow)....
IoT#2: Advanced Python for IoT and Numpy
by EDU CBA- 3.7
6.5 hours on-demand video
2nd Course: Advanced Python for IoT & IoT Based Data Analysis We are now at "2nd Course: Advanced Python for IoT & IoT Based Data Analysis". Then we will get in to Data science modules for IoT such as numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib. Data science modules for iot (numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib)...
Introduction to Designing Data Lakes on AWS
by Morgan Willis , Rafael Lopes- 4.7
Approx. 14 hours to complete
In this class, Introduction to Designing Data Lakes on AWS, we will help you understand how to create and operate a data lake in a secure and scalable way, without previous knowledge of data science! Starting with the "WHY" you may want a data lake, we will look at the Data-Lake value proposition, characteristics and components....
Visualizing Data in the Tidyverse
by Carrie Wright, PhD , Shannon Ellis, PhD , Stephanie Hicks, PhD , Roger D. Peng, PhD- 0.0
Approx. 17 hours to complete
Data visualization is a critical part of any data science project. Once data have been imported and wrangled into place, visualizing your data can help you get a handle on what’s going on in the data set. In this course we will cover what data visualization is and define some of the basic types of data visualizations....
Deploy Machine Learning & NLP Models with Dockers (DevOps)
by UNP United Network of Professionals- 4.2
4 hours on-demand video
This course will help you create a solid foundation of the essential topics of data science along with a solid foundation of deploying those created solutions through Docker containers which eventually will expose your model as a service (API) which can be used by all who wish for it....
Mastering Unsupervised Learning with Python
by Packt Publishing- 3.6
4 hours on-demand video
In this video course you will understand the assumptions, advantages, and disadvantages of various popular clustering algorithms, and then learn how to apply them to different data sets for analysis. He holds master’s degrees from Harvard University and Free University Berlin, a CFA charter, and has been teaching data science and statistics for several years....