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Salesforce Einstein Discovery - Easy AI and Machine Learning
by Mike Wheeler- 0.0
2 hours on-demand video
This course is for the absolute beginner to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Science. This deep learning engine is a historic breakthrough on the computing capabilities of AI and are accessible to the masses by way of clicks instead of code....
AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty: 3 PRACTICE EXAMS
by Abhishek Singh | 9x AWS- 0.0
Ace the AWS certification MLS-C01 with FULL-LENGTH practice exams created by AWS CERTIFIED Machine Learning SPECIALIST ★★★★★ From all the AWS Machine Learning tests I've taken, this one is probably one of the hardest but also the most useful. Abhishek is also an AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialist, AWS Certified Big Data Specialist and AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate....
Machine Learning Rapid Prototyping with IBM Watson Studio
by Mark J Grover , Meredith Mante- 4.6
Approx. 9 hours to complete
While it showcases the automated AI capabilies of IBM Watson Studio with AutoAI, the course does not explain Machine Learning or Data Science concepts. Machine Learning Algorithms Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes...
Launching into Machine Learning 日本語版
by Google Cloud Training- 4.4
Approx. 20 hours to complete
機械学習の歴史を皮切りに、ニューラル ネットワークがデータ サイエンスのさまざまな問題でうまく機能している理由をご紹介します。次に、教師あり学習の問題を設定し、勾配降下法を使用して適切な解決策を見つける方法について説明します。これには、一般化が可能なデータセットの作成も含まれます。実験に対応するため、繰り返し使用できるデータセットの作成方法について解説します。 コースの目標: ディープ ラーニングが注目を集めている理由を理解する 損失関数とパフォーマンス指標を使用して、モデルの最適化と評価を行う 機械学習で発生しがちな一般的な問題を軽減する 繰り返し使用可能でスケーラブルなトレーニング用、評価用、テスト用のデータセットを作成する コースの概要 コース概要 Google Cloud と Qwiklabs のスタートガイド データ品質の向上と探索的データ分析 概要 データ品質の改善 ラボの概要: データ品質の改善 探索的データ分析 ラボの概要: 探索的データ分析 リソース データ品質の向上の練習問題 探索的データ分析の練習問題 実践的な機械学習 概要 教師あり学習 分類と回帰 機械学習小史: 線形回帰 機械学習小史: パーセプトロン 機械学習小史: ニューラル ネットワーク ラボの概要: 線形モデルの概要 ラボの概要: ロジスティック回帰 機械学習小史: ディシジョン ツリー 機械学習小史: ランダム フォレスト ラボの概要: Python におけるディシジョン ツリーとランダム フォレスト...
AI Workflow: Machine Learning, Visual Recognition and NLP
by Mark J Grover , Ray Lopez, Ph.D.- 4.5
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Explain the use of linear and logistic regression in supervised learning applications Explain the use of tree-based algorithms in supervised learning applications This course targets existing data science practitioners that have expertise building machine learning models, who want to deepen their skills on building and deploying AI in large enterprises. Building Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models...
How Google does Machine Learning em Português Brasileiro
by Google Cloud Training- 4.8
Approx. 10 hours to complete
O que é aprendizado de máquina e que tipos de problema ele pode resolver? O Google pensa no aprendizado de máquina de uma maneira um pouco diferente. Ele se concentra mais na lógica, em vez de apenas em dados. Discutimos por que esse modelo é útil quando pensamos na criação de canais de modelos de aprendizado de máquina....
Art and Science of Machine Learning en Español
by Google Cloud Training- 4.6
Approx. 20 hours to complete
Le damos la bienvenida a The Art and Science of Machine Learning....
Art and Science of Machine Learning en Français
by Google Cloud Training- 0.0
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Bienvenue dans cette formation sur l'art et la science du machine learning. Une fois que vous serez familiarisé avec ces mécanismes, également appelés "hyperparamètres", vous apprendrez à les régler automatiquement avec Cloud Machine Learning Engine sur Google Cloud Platform....
Understanding Quantum Computers
by Rodney Van Meter , Takahiko Satoh- 0.0
Waves and interferenceQuantum superposition and entanglementComputational complexityThe quantum Fourier transformShor’s algorithm for factoring large numbersGrover’s algorithmQuantum chemistry and machine learningPhysical phenomena as quantum bits (qubits)Quantum computing hardware and architectureQuantum error correctionThe quantum information technology industry...
Artificial Intelligence: Reinforcement Learning in Python
by Lazy Programmer Team- 4.6
14.5 hours on-demand video
When people talk about artificial intelligence, they usually don’t mean supervised and unsupervised machine learning. Learning about supervised and unsupervised machine learning is no small feat. And yet reinforcement learning opens up a whole new world. My courses are the ONLY courses where you will learn how to implement machine learning algorithms from scratch...