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API Testing using POSTMAN - Complete Course[With Docker]
5.5 hours on-demand video
Test Coverage and Code Coverage. Sharing Collection as V1/V2 format. After finishing our Test Suite, we will run collection command-line and add it as Jenkins Job(monitoring purpose)....
Ultimate PHP, Laravel, CSS & Sass! Learn PHP, Laravel & Sass
by Rick Sekuloski- 4.3
82.5 hours on-demand video
CSS is underestimated and is a true must because as you will see in this course it can be very powerful. The reason why I put this complete course in one is that I know that the entry job is very hard, and they are thousands and thousands like this on job advertisement companies....
MERN Stack Web Development with Ultimate Authentication
by Ryan Dhungel- 4.5
9.5 hours on-demand video
Learn MERN stack web development by building production ready login register system with account activation, forgot password, reset password, login with facebook, login with google as well as ACL by implementing private and protected routes for authenticated user and users with the role of admin....
Machine Learning- Step by Step from basic to advanced level.
by EdYoda Digital University- 4.2
7 hours on-demand video
This course has 5 parts as given below: As a Machine Learning Engineer, you will work on real-life challenges and develop solutions that have a deep impact on how businesses and people thrive. Needless to say, a job that allows you to work and solve real-world struggles gives high satisfaction....
Angular - The Complete Guide (2021 Edition)
by Maximilian SchwarzmĂĽller- 4.6
34 hours on-demand video
He does a great job of explaining what he's doing and why rather than having students just mimic his coding. As a person new to both JavaScript and Angular 2 I found this course extremely helpful because Max does a great job of explaining all the important concepts behind the code....
Master Computer Vision™ OpenCV4 in Python with Deep Learning
by Rajeev D. Ratan- 4.2
10.5 hours on-demand video
NOTE: Many of the earlier poor reviews was during a period of time when the course material was outdated and many of the example code was broken, however, this has been fixed as of early 2019 :) Even simply running example code I found online proved difficult as libraries and functions were often outdated....
SQL Masterclass: SQL for Data Analytics
by Start-Tech Academy- 4.5
8 hours on-demand video
So whether you want to start a career as a data scientist or just grow you data analysis skills, this course will cover everything you need to know to do that. It broaden my knowledge more on the power use of SQL as an analytical tools. Teaching our students is our job and we are committed to it....
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Hands-On Guide To Microservices With Java Spring Framework 5
by TetraNoodle Team- 3.8
4 hours on-demand video
There is so much to learn in the Spring Framework, and the demand for competent Spring professionals is definitely high! In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a job posting for Java developers that doesn’t mention Spring as one of the requirements....
Mastering ARKit for iOS
by Mohammad Azam- 4.1
15.5 hours on-demand video
I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOS developer...
Mastering Server Side Swift Using Kitura
by Mohammad Azam- 4.5
3.5 hours on-demand video
I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. The course is accompanied with all the code sample files. Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOS developerWho is the target audience?...