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SAP Human Resources (HR) for Beginners
by Dhruv Bais- 3.8
1 hour on-demand video
You are interested in learning SAP HR and getting into the wide realm of programming and intense Tech Entrepreneurship. My job is to make this class a great and fun learning experience so that I can help you progress tHRough your path to learning advanced SAP (whether it be just programming logic....
ASP.NET Webforms from Scratch
by Metla Sudha Sekhar- 2.8
9 hours on-demand video
Setting Up Local Programming Development Environment This course assumes no prior programming knowledge(C# basics will help you), just a desire to learn to develop your own web applications as well. Every Section closes with a challenge, putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately and Most of the Lectures are having Assignments to test your knowledge....
Advanced Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis
by Spatial eLearning- 4
6 hours on-demand video
Do you want to learn JavaScript programming language to analyze big data with Google Earth Engine JavaScript API? By the end of this course, you will be equipped with a set of new GIS and Remote Sensing skills including accessing, downloading processing, analyzing, and visualizing big data using JavaScript programming language with GEE cloud platform....
Python for Everybody: The Ultimate Python 3 Bootcamp
by Kalob Taulien- 4.5
9.5 hours on-demand video
Python is the #3 most popular programming language on Earth. Object Oriented Programming including: That's a fun way to learn Python, but it's not practical for learning real-world Python. You have nothing to lose! Give this course a shot and start learning Python to advance your career and level up your programming knowledge....
JavaScript Basics for Beginners
by Mosh Hamedani- 4.5
6.5 hours on-demand video
Aspiring developers - perhaps you learned a little bit of HTML and CSS and want to take your first JavaScript programming course. Experienced developers with no degree in computer science - there are a lot of self-taught web developers out there who cannot solve basic programming problems, because they never attended a college....
Embedded Systems with 8051 Micro Controller using Embedded C
by Amit Rana- 0.0
5 hours on-demand video
Deep Dive into embedded systems with in-depth understanding of 8051 micro controller with embedded C programming Even if you do not know any C programming before, do not worry, there’s a brief introduction to C programming also. So there are many practical considerations mentioned from the time to time in this course....
RSLogix5000 Training Using PLC Ladder Logic. Basic
by Jeff Sharman- 4.5
3 hours on-demand video
The student will learn the difference programming a PLC using RSLogix5000 software and other PLC packages. I shall be your instructor during this training and I have had many years practical experience creating projects and programming PLC's, HMI's, commissioning and face to face training....
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Microsoft Access VBA for Non Programmers - YOU Can Do This!
by Bruce Myron- 4.6
8 hours on-demand video
Learning VBA programming enables you to use ALL the power of Access to easily create systems that will be in high demand with your current employer or other businesses. The practical skills taught in this class will give you a solid foundation in creating systems that people can really use!...
NLP Practitioner & NLP Life Coach Certification (Accredited)
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.5
20 hours on-demand video
But, it isn’t just because our interpretation changes… changing our programming actually creates a new reality! Neuro Linguistic Programming gives you back that power and provides you with the tools to help your clients transform their lives from within. Reprogram the mind using simple, practical techniques that help your clients quickly shift negative emotions and create lasting behavior change...
Android Machine Learning with TensorFlow lite in Java/Kotlin
by Hamza Asif- 3.6
5.5 hours on-demand video
Python Programming Language We will start by learning about the basics of the Python programming language. We will learn about Feed Forwarding, Back Propagation, and activation functions through a practical example. This course provides you with many practical examples so that you can really see how you can train and deploy machine learning model in android....