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Qlik Sense Masterclass for Data Science and BI
by JP Labuschagne- 4.5
4 hours on-demand video
Hi, data scientists and business intelligence heroes! Are you tired of building basic charts and tables in Qlik Sense? Qlik Sense Advanced takes you through the step-by-step process to mastering advanced techniques used by enterprise-ready data analytics pros. Connecting and associating data Different methods of loading data via scripting...
Sport Science - Data Management and Visualisation with Excel
by Scott Graham- 4.2
3 hours on-demand video
Using Visual Basic in excel to manage data and produce reports In this 'how-to' course Scott will share tips and provide helpful insights using real world data for you to a) create, clean and manage your own databases, b) maximise the visualisation of your data for presentation to coaches, athletes and relevant stakeholders....
Introducción a Data Science: Programación Estadística con R
by Carlos Ernesto López Natarén- 4.7
Approx. 47 hours to complete
Este curso te proporcionará las bases del lenguaje de programación estadística R, la lengua franca de la estadística, el cual te permitirá escribir programas que lean, manipulen y analicen datos cuantitativos. Te explicaremos la instalación del lenguaje; también verás una introducción a los sistemas base de gráficos y al paquete para graficar ggplot2, para visualizar estos datos....
Business intelligence and data analytics: Generate insights
by David Pitt , Smit Rathore- 4.6
Approx. 29 hours to complete
You will be introduced to key data analytics concepts such as systems thinking, multi-level perspectives and multidisciplinary methods for envisioning futures, and apply them to specific real-world challenges you and your organisation may face. 2 Data value chain Data visualisation 1 Data visualisation and Anscombe’s Quartet 2 Data Cleaning using Tableau...
Excel Crashkurs Deskriptive Statistik & Inferenzstatistik
by Fabio Basler- 4.8
3.5 hours on-demand video
Dieser Kurs enthält unzählige Lektionen, Quizze, Tests, Übungsaufgaben, Fallstudien, Merkblätter, Zusammenfassungen und Formelsammlungen - Der beste Weg ein Experte im Bereich Statistik & Data Science zu werden! Du lernst also nicht nur die Werkzeuge der Statistik, sondern auch, wie du quantitative Ansätze auf praxisnahe Data Science und Business Fälle in Excel anwenden kannst! Grundlage für Web-Crawling & Data Science...
Der Praxisnahe Statistik-Kurs in Excel! Jetzt durchstarten!
by Fabio Basler- 0.0
3.5 hours on-demand video
Dieser Kurs enthält unzählige Lektionen, Quizze, Tests, Übungsaufgaben, Fallstudien, Merkblätter, Zusammenfassungen und Formelsammlungen - Der beste Weg ein Experte im Bereich Statistik & Data Science zu werden! Du lernst also nicht nur die Werkzeuge der Statistik, sondern auch, wie du quantitative Ansätze auf praxisnahe Data Science und Business Fälle in Excel anwenden kannst!...
Statistik mit Excel: Korrelation, Regression, Stochastik!
by Fabio Basler- 0.0
3.5 hours on-demand video
Dieser Kurs enthält unzählige Lektionen, Quizze, Tests, Übungsaufgaben, Fallstudien, Merkblätter, Zusammenfassungen und Formelsammlungen - Der beste Weg ein Experte im Bereich Statistik & Data Science zu werden! Du lernst also nicht nur die Werkzeuge der Statistik, sondern auch, wie du quantitative Ansätze auf praxisnahe Data Science und Business Fälle in Excel anwenden kannst!...
Advanced Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis
by Spatial eLearning- 4
6 hours on-demand video
By taking this course, you will take your geospatial data science skills to the next level by gaining proficiency in satellite remote sensing and big geospatial analysis with Google Earth Engine, a cloud-based Earth observation data visualization analysis by powered by Google. I am also the recipient of one the prestigious NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship....
Natural Language Processing with Python: 3-in-1
by Packt Publishing- 3.5
4.5 hours on-demand video
Looking forward, Tyler hopes to mentor students in applied mathematics, and demonstrate how data collection, analysis, and post-processing can be used to solve difficult problems and improve decision making. He is a full-stack architect with hands-on experience in domains such as e-commerce, web hosting, healthcare, big data and analytics, data streaming, advertising, and databases....
Learning Path:TensorFlow: The Road to TensorFlow-2nd Edition
by Packt Publishing- 4
10.5 hours on-demand video
If you have no prior exposure to one of the most important trends impacting how we do data science in the next few years, this Learning Path will help you get up to speed. In Computer Science from the University of Southern California. Dan Van Boxel is a data scientist and machine learning engineer with over 10 years of experience....