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7) CSMF: Certified Strategic Modeling Facilitator
by Clive Finkelstein- 4.8
5 hours on-demand video
Certification Master Course for Data Modellers in Strategic Modeling from Business Plans A strategic data map is seen by senior business managers as a “picture of their business”. The course teaches facilitators how to identify business processes in any data map manually, rapidly and easily by visual inspection, for selection of priority processes by business managers for early delivery....
Ciencia de Datos Aplicada al Marketing
by Silvia Guadalupe López Alonzo- 0.0
5 Weeks
Utiliza el business intelligence a tu favor y adquiere las herramientas necesarias para llevar el marketing de tu empresa o negocio al siguiente nivel y realizar una toma de decisiones acertada....
Learn By Example: Statistics and Data Science in R
by Loony Corn- 3.8
9 hours on-demand video
A gentle yet thorough introduction to Data Science, Statistics and R using real life examples Data Science, Statistics and R: This course is an introduction to Data Science and Statistics using the R programming language. Data Visualization in R: Line plot, Scatter plot, Bar plot, Histogram, Scatterplot matrix, Heat map, Packages for Data Visualisation : Rcolorbrewer, ggplot2...
Learning Analytics Fundamentals
by George Siemens , Charles Lang , Justin Dellinger- 0.0
4 Weeks
Learn about the growing field of learning analytics and how to analyze basic data sets to generate insights. The demand for data science and learning science skills has continued to increase as classrooms, labs, and organizations look to optimize their data and improve learning environments for students and employees. How to conduct basic data wrangling and analyses...
Beginning Data Visualization with R and ggplot2
by Packt Publishing- 3.3
4.5 hours on-demand video
Learn to design and implement data from scratch Data analysis is crucial to accurately predict the performance of an application. He studied computer science at Harvard University, design technology at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, and advertising and marketing communications at the Questrom School of Business at Boston University....
Ultimate Web Scraping Tools and Strategies
by Eduonix Learning Solutions- 2.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
Master the concepts and tools for web scraping making the data work for your business You will also learn startegies for websites such as Reddit and Twitter. Learn to gather business data from yelp listings and master the use of Etsy. So join us and let data work for you....
Scalable Machine Learning on Big Data using Apache Spark
by Romeo Kienzler- 3.8
Approx. 7 hours to complete
This course will empower you with the skills to scale data science and machine learning (ML) tasks on Big Data sets using Apache Spark. Enrol now to learn the machine learning techniques for working with Big Data that have been successfully applied by companies like Alibaba, Apple, Amazon, Baidu, eBay, IBM, NASA, Samsung, SAP, TripAdvisor, Yahoo!, Zalando and many others....
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Big Data, Genes, and Medicine
by Isabelle Bichindaritz- 4.2
Approx. 40 hours to complete
This course distills for you expert knowledge and skills mastered by professionals in Health Big Data Science and Bioinformatics. Needless to say, when you master these high-demand skills, you will be well positioned to apply for or move to positions in biomedical data analytics and bioinformatics. R Scripts for Gene Alterations...
Data Science at Scale - Capstone Project
by Bill Howe- 4.1
Approx. 6 hours to complete
These projects will not be straightforward and the outcome is not prescribed -- you will need to tolerate ambiguity and negative results! But we believe the experience will be rewarding and will better prepare you for data science projects in practice. Get the Data Milestone: Derive labels for each building...
The Ultimate Hands-On Python & Data Science - Learn Python 3
by Morteza Kordi- 3.9
9 hours on-demand video
My name is Morteza Kordi, Senior Python Programmer & Data Science Specialist and Udemy instructor with over 60,000 satisfied students, and I’ve designed The Complete Python & Data Science Course - Python 3 Bootcamp with one thing in mind: you should learn by practicing your skills and building apps. Learn data science...