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Stock Market Trading: The Complete Technical Analysis Course
by Steve Ballinger, MBA- 4.6
12.5 hours on-demand video
Paper Trading & Back Testing For Free...
Spring Framework Master Class - Java Spring the Modern Way
by in28Minutes Official- 4.4
12 hours on-demand video
You will get introduced to Spring Boot, Unit Testing with JUnit and Mockito, talking to the database with Spring JDBC and JPA, Maven (dependencies management), Eclipse (IDE) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. Unit testing with JUnit and Mockito using XML and Java Spring Application Contexts Step 10 : Spring Boot Developer Tools...
Pre-Investing: Essential Real Estate Investing Concepts
by Symon He- 4.6
6.5 hours on-demand video
You can only get licensed by taking the appropriate test with the testing agency of your state and country. This is about you learning how to do it on your own using the lessons and the tools here....
Computational Social Science Methods
by Martin Hilbert- 4.7
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Training, Validation, Testing...
Econometrics: Methods and Applications
by Philip Hans Franses , Christiaan Heij , Michel van der Wel , Dennis Fok , Richard Paap , Dick van Dijk , Erik Kole , Francine Gresnigt , Myrthe van Dieijen- 4.6
Approx. 66 hours to complete
4 on Endogeneity: Testing 2: Statistical Testing...
Learn React by building a Progressive Web App (PWA)
by Vinod Kumar Kayartaya- 4.5
3 hours on-demand video
environment setup(eclipse, tomcat, h2 DB), application development to deployment, testing with postman, error handling, eclipse shortcuts....
Complete Python Developer in 2021: Zero to Mastery
by Andrei Neagoie- 4.7
30.5 hours on-demand video
- Testing in Python We are going to build a web scraper for HackerNews, build a Twitter bot, build the most secure password checker and we will also build some automation tools using Selenium....
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Facebook ChatBot Marketing: The Smart Way To Use ManyChat
by Krisztina Rudnay- 3.8
2.5 hours on-demand video
Use different growth tools 2018: Added 3 new lectures: split testing (demonstrating on my example), Retargeting subscribers, and 2 blueprints, one for personal trainers, and one for online coaches....
User Experience: Research & Prototyping
by Elizabeth Gerber , Scott Klemmer- 4.6
Approx. 11 hours to complete
What makes for a great user experience? How can you consistently design experiences that work well, are easy to use and people want to use? This course will teach you the core process of experience design and how to effectively evaluate your work with the people for whom you are designing....
The Complete WordPress Website Business Course
by Rob Percival- 4.4
22 hours on-demand video
Download and configure free open-source software tools and use online services to build the resources you need to create and manage WordPress websites....